no carbs



  • cartrat
    cartrat Posts: 120 Member
    Really this is all a guessing game to me. The only thing i have been counting is calories and making sure i don't go over them. The carbs was something a friends mentioned so i looked it up but i wanted to get other peoples opinions and experiences too. Actually i am thinking the things that irritate my ibs bread/potatoes/pasta are also starchy foods as well as high carbs so maybe it could be that making it play up. I am going to try and keep them under 100g an see how i go but i don't think i will be really strict about it and won't worry if i go over. I'm not used to eating three times a day so i don't want to push my eating too much. If i don't go over the recommended calories etc i think i will be happy with that but try bring carbs down

    try reading this book called "the meat fix". it's written by this guy who was a vegan for many, many years how he suffered from IBS. i'm sure you can guess from the title how he went about curing himself. really i'm only recommending it because it sounds like y'all suffered from the same problem and perhaps you'd be better off learning from someone whom you could relate to. sure we could spout our opinions all we want, but we'll never truly understand what you're going through.
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    I did Atkins in 2005. lost 50. stopped. gained it back plus some.

    isn't that the story with any diet?

    I know, right?

    lol! that's true with most diets because people go into them with the goal of "losing weight" instead of "lifestyle change"....and no one thinks about whether its something sustainable for the duration. Most "diets" are not sustainable for most people for a lot of reasons...but they work as long as you are doing them. Most folks just don't take the time to educate themselves (me included up until 2011). This time, I'm 20 months into a lifestyle change and having great results...and, most importantly, I'm doing something sustainable for the long haul.
  • fallonrhea
    fallonrhea Posts: 388 Member
    No carbs = bad idea. You need them for energy!

    I eat a lower carb diet, 30% carbs, 50% protein, 20% fat. It has broken a very long plateau for me and I'm losing weight quite well - mind you, I exercise like a fiend too.

    I honestly would start with small goals. Instead of rushing into cutting out ALL carbs from your diet, perhaps start with a goal making better breakfast choices. I do not even keep cereal in the house anymore. Perhaps make it a goal to start by changing your daily cereal to old fashioned oats and fruit. It's a healthier, more filling choice - not to mention, it has less calories and carbs than a bowl full of cereal!