When to STOP losing weight??

Ok... I've lost 25 pounds since May. Technically I lost 20 pounds from May to July, and then the last 5 pounds in the past week.. I went from July to October staying the same weight, not really watching what I ate, but not over eating too, and I noticed i was sloooowlllyyyy gaining weight back, so In november I decided to pick back up on myfitnesspal.... I'm almost 5'6 and I'm down to 120, and I can't stop thinking about my weight gain, there for I keep wanting to lose more. And I KNOW I dont need to. If I lose anymore I will be "underweight" and my husband will have a fit. I am pretty sure he will already have a fit.. he's been deployed since january, and he's used to seeing me 25 pounds heavier.... I just dont know how to say enoughs enough......Anyone have advice??


  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    STOP getting on the scale. Continue to log your calories, maybe slowly work your way to maintenance (increase by an extra 100/day each week). But don't put your foot on that scale. Instead, focus on your workouts - targeting parts of your body you'd like to tone up. Maybe you want washboard abs or defined 'guns' or a perky tooshie.

    You'll still feel like you're making improvements, but you'll be doing it healthily without becoming underweight. When I get to my goal weight I intend to work on my body fat % as opposed to the scale number. But DON'T hop back on, because when you're building muscle, you will probably see an increase.

    Hope that helps! I'm sure there are people on MFP much more experienced with that kind of problem, that's just what made sense to me. :flowerforyou:
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    THANK YOU for posting this. I have wondered myself when do you know when to STOP. I see some people reaching their goal and still going. I'm at a "healthy weight" for my height, but would like to lose 10 lb to be able to fit in my old clothes. But once I do that, will I be satisfied and not obsessed? Who knows. I'll be interested to see everyone's suggestions.

    Congrats to you also for caring enough about your body to put boundaries to your successes. Awesome on your weight loss.
  • limestar
    limestar Posts: 198 Member
    i am in the same boat. i am 5'5 almost 5'6 and 118. i been 110 before and still did not like how i look. i am lifting weights and toning up and i dont mind being 118 because my clothes fit much better than when i was 110. my goal is to get my tummy flat. after having 2 kids that area is not flattering. now i am losing the inches, gaining muscle and if i reach my flat abs being 120 i will be happy. right now i am focusing in staying in shape, flat abs and improving my posture.
  • Nikiki
    Nikiki Posts: 993
    I would suggest finding another fitness goal, its VERY easy to lose too much when your goal has been losing for so long. You've hit your target but you're so used to working to lose (and you gained back some when you stopped trying to lose) you're going to have a hard time stopping without switching gears. Switch some of your workouts to lower impact, less calorie burning things like yoga or pilates and also set yourself a goal to run or bike in a marathon. The training will give you something else to focus on and ensure you're staying active and not gaining weight back.

    I hope this helps and I also hope to be in your shoes soon!!!!
  • 1Sweets
    1Sweets Posts: 395
    I've been wondering that just recently myself:laugh: Doesn't age also factor in?

    I'm wondering if I should set my goal the same as when I was...say when I was 29 years old...130 lbs? I'm 5'5" with a medium frame. I now weigh 156
  • 1Sweets
    1Sweets Posts: 395
    Ok... I've lost 25 pounds since May. Technically I lost 20 pounds from May to July, and then the last 5 pounds in the past week.. I went from July to October staying the same weight, not really watching what I ate, but not over eating too, and I noticed i was sloooowlllyyyy gaining weight back, so In november I decided to pick back up on myfitnesspal.... I'm almost 5'6 and I'm down to 120, and I can't stop thinking about my weight gain, there for I keep wanting to lose more. And I KNOW I dont need to. If I lose anymore I will be "underweight" and my husband will have a fit. I am pretty sure he will already have a fit.. he's been deployed since january, and he's used to seeing me 25 pounds heavier.... I just dont know how to say enoughs enough......Anyone have advice??

    Congrats on the weight loss & meeting your goals thus far.:drinker: I'm sure your Hubby will Love:love: the new you:drinker:
  • Sunsh1ne
    Sunsh1ne Posts: 879 Member
    Definitely go back into goals and adjust for maintenance rather than weight loss, although you've probably already done that. Scale back your workouts a little, and focus on eating fuel that will sustain your energy throughout the day, like complex carbohydrates.

    Congratulations on meeting your goal! If your picture is any indication, I don't think your hubby will be too upset when he sees you. :smile:
  • stephcheers
    I hear ya! I try to remind myself that a little fear can be a healthy thing. It keeps me motivated. But I would love to have the sense of being satisfied too. I try to keep focused on setting new goals, (right now I'm learning some YMCA fitness classes).

    I think when life is stressful and feels out of control (and it often does) I tend to focus on being healthy. It keeps me sane.

    There came a point when I knew I was too heavy and I know I am smart enough to know if I am ever too thin. My advice is to trust yourself. You look strong and healthy. I'm sure you will be able to listen to what your body needs. You've done awesome this far!

    Good luck on the rest of the deployment. God bless the troops and the ones holding down the fort at home. :wink:
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