Is it possible to eat healthy AND cheaply?



  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    I can buy 2 apples or a case of Toast-Chees for the same price. I can get a cheeseburger for $1.99 or a salad for $3.99, etc.

    You're doing it wrong. I know 'healthy food' bought prepared is expensive. If you buy the ingredients for the salad and make it yourself at home, per person will come out to cheaper than getting a cheeseburger for everyone. I have no idea what toast chees is but buying fruit and vegetables in season is the best way to go. Frozen is good option too.

    I agree... Now, when I quote prices I quote prices in our area.... while a bag of prepared salad here is $2.99-$3.99 a head of lettuce is around $1.50... so one could buy twice as much lettuce and prepare it themselves AND have enough for 4 servings or more of salad. For 2 heads of lettuce, 1 green pepper, 1 cucumber and one bag of carrots (baby or otherwise).. I can have 1.5-2 cups of salad 5 or 6 times during the week... and it will cost me $5.60... but again, this is just in my area.

    Also, when you buy the big bag of potatoes/lemons/oranges/apples/etc., it will cost less then bagging them individually.
  • mama2mila
    I live in the boonies (UP of Michigan) and can get away with eating super healthy and mostly clean on $100/week for a family of 3. (and I eat 12 servings of fruits/veggies every single day!) I am a deal hound, and I love to cook. I buy our meat in bulk when I can, when its on sale, and portion/freeze. Produce from farmers markets and one-day truck-load sales. I make from scratch granola bars, pizza crust, marinara sauce, muffins, waffles, pancakes, egg sandwiches, etc. and portion/freeze. My crockpot is my best friend! We eat out only on rare occasions. Meal planning has helped a LOT! By Sunday, I know what we are having for dinner every night that week, and we generally have leftovers and salads for lunches. So, yes, it is possible. Its not easy, it takes some work, but in the long run its better for you and better for your wallet. :)