Boot-Camp Ideas and the Dog Park

I want to try to find a way to combine my dogs work-out time with mine (I take him to the dog park almost every other day (if not every day) for 1 hour) so that I can kill two birds with one stone - any suggestions.

Keep in mind I can't run through the park like a flailing idiot LoL that will attract too much doggy attention :)

Any ideas or suggestions?


  • I feel you on this lol.

    I feel so guilty working out in a park or outside because I know I could be taking my dogs with me.

    I am lucky enough to go to a dog park with a trail around it to walk or jog. My babies play and I run and they usually chase me. I can't really go jogging with them because they are both Chihuahuas.

    Try and find a doggie park with a trail ,that would help.
  • hauer01
    hauer01 Posts: 516 Member
    I also feel your pain! I have two pups and walk them everyday but I would like to do more. We have some walking trails around my area that are out in the country and and, although that have lots of people who use them, they are not "overcrowed" by any means. Sometimes I will take the dogs on a walk out there, put my head phones on and I am literally dancing to the music while I am walking. I stop at a bench to do some stretches, even some lunges while my dogs are sniffing something that seem really appealing to them. I know I must look like an idiot to the others on the trail, but I really don't care. It is away for me to get more out of my dog walk than just walking the dog.
  • srpm
    srpm Posts: 275 Member
    I always would run around with my dogs under the pretense of wearing them out...
  • HEY!

    Ok, so I am not a dog owner (yet) so I'm not familiar with what a doggy park has, but maybe you can do a body weight circuit of some sort if he/she is running around playing with other dogs.

    30 Jumping Jacks/ Jump Ropes/ Stationary Jogging
    10 Pushups
    30 Jumping Jacks/ Jump Ropes/ Stationary Jogging
    10 Lunges each leg
    30 Jumping Jacks/ Jump Ropes/ Stationary Jogging
    10 Tricep dips on a bench or sidewalk
    30 Jumping Jacks/ Jump Ropes/ Stationary Jogging
    10 Squats
    30 Jumping Jacks/ Jump Ropes/ Stationary Jogging
    10 Double ab crunches
    REPEAT 1-3 times

    Maybe go for a jog with him/her afterwards and really tap into some fat stores!

    Hope this helps a lot!