Who is here for reasons other than “getting skinny”?



  • Redtango76
    Redtango76 Posts: 144
    My number one reason ...to reduce and control my anxiety symptoms . Any other benefits are just a bonus .
  • misschevious1
    Hey everyone.....as you can possibly tell, I have just joined today....and i'll be honest and say the weight loss side of things is important but my health like most here is the most important.....firstly I will say, beware of getting a major chest infection and a major lung infection cause you could accidentally end up in hospital being hardly able to breathe.....and now am the 'proud or not so proud' owner of an enlarged heart and are now termed a severe heart failure patient.....so as most things, all that news took its toll and i'll be honest for a while I kinda went into shock mode and not forgot what was seriously going on, but temporarily tucked it away in my mind as to what was actually going on.....

    SO I mastered my first demon and that was smoking and have been smoke free for 2 years now and I have finally have the correct meds that have helped stablise my heart side of things......I guess I should also say that November last year I ended up needing to have a pacemaker put in because one side of my heart decided to beat out of sync with the other so now I its my time to travel a new journey and get better for me and for for the likes of becoming skinny cause sometimes like that just are not true to some people, including me....

    And being a newbie to all of this, any friends, help and advice would be most treasured.....and my bad if I rambled a tad too much :wink:
  • bookwormwendy
    bookwormwendy Posts: 112 Member
    I am certainly not opposed to "getting skinny" but my main motivation came down to health. I have a heart condition and the more weight I carry, the harder my heart has to work. I have two beautiful teens who I want to see grown up and married and I'd like to see my grand kids. So, yes, getting skinny sounds nice but being healthy sounds even better.
  • itskristen1
    While I do want to "get skinny", one of my biggest reasons for losing weight was the fact that at 37 I was starting to feel really old. I wasn't eating very well, was tired all the time and was wondering, "If I feel this way now, how am I going to feel 10 years from now?" I have 2 young children, and it's important for me to live as long as I can and feel as good as I possibly can for as long as I can so that I can enjoy them well into their adult years. I would love to be a healthy grandmother. I don't have a lot of healthy role models in my family and I want to be a healthy role model for my children.
  • pikselinka
    pikselinka Posts: 154 Member
    I have changed my goals recently, from getting skinny to getting in shape, I am still weighting myself thought. I am running outside and am getting my body weight training routine together so I can start regularly next week.
  • MsTru2U
    MsTru2U Posts: 119 Member
    To reduce high blood pressure is my reason for being here. I'm 30 years old and refuse to be medicated unless I absolutely have too. Working out helps relieve my stress and less stress help me control my eating (I'm an emotional eater). Now I work out to alleviate stress and use MFP to make sure I'm eating enough of the necessary stuff to be healthy. Congrats for taking control of your health and good luck on your journey :flowerforyou:
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    I am here to be healthy. I had a heart attack last year and I needed to lose close to 100 pounds. I am also a runner, and eat a pretty wholesome diet. Friend me if you like.
  • Sublog
    Sublog Posts: 1,296 Member
    Im here for the pretty girls on my friends list!!

    lol, j/k

    errrr maybe?
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Is "look good naked" a good reason?
  • Drussander
    Drussander Posts: 266 Member
    Me! I am here to get healthier, not become "skinny". I equate "skinny" with being unhealthy. I prefer the term "fit", but that doesn't mean you won't lose weight too by dieting and exercising. Skinny isn't the focus, but it can be a side effect of getting fit, depending on your body type and genetics.
  • rebeccap13
    rebeccap13 Posts: 754 Member
    I'm mostly here to lose a little weight and work on body composition aka to get fit! Feel free to add me. I think its fair to say I have a very motivated circle of friends who are doing things the healthy way. Most of us like to eat and lift and some of us are into running too.
  • leejayem
    leejayem Posts: 120 Member
    I don't have mono or CFS but I do have 4 young children so I am chronically exhausted from ongoing sleep deprivation!! In terms of health, I have impaired insulin & am losing weight (it's happening!!!) in order to reverse this condition. NO way do I want diabetes if I can avoid it! According to my endo' I only have about 3kg to lose before my BGL should begin to normalise - VERY excited about that!!!
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    Of course you want to find other people in your position, similar circumstances that lead you here, similar goals. They will best understand you and be your biggest support. Maybe start a group specific to your issues?

    ...but even those of us here focusing on our weight know there is so much more to it than *just* looking better.

    I think a lot of us come here originally because we want to get skinny (well, at least to get "unfat" as I've been calling it lol.) but as we start to see the changes in our bodies and how we feel when we take back control of our behavior, we realize it's about so much more than that. It's about feeling good, and being healthy, and dealing with issues we may not have seen as related to our poor diet. (for me it has helped with my severe anxiety and depression, as well as "female" issues). If the number on the scale moves in the right direction, for many of us that is an indicator that we are doing well because weight is a huge part of the issue... but we learn to see weight as part of the issue, and not the entirety of it.

    Now excuse me while I go look at myself in the mirror for a minute and try desperately to notice if I got less fat ;)
  • two_octopodes
    two_octopodes Posts: 130 Member
    Part of the reason I'm here is because I would absolutely love to (and really should) lose some weight.

    But the real reason I'm here at this exact point in time is that I just started PA school (PA= physician assistant). It is the most intense, insane, and difficult thing I've ever experienced. I can't even begin to say how overwhelming it's been so far. Since I tend to deal with stress by turning to comfort foods and packing on pounds quickly- typical yo-yo pattern- I'm hoping that having the structure of MFP, will at least keep me from GAINING any weight this year. Plus, if I am losing, even a little, it will give me something non-school-related to celebrate and keep me feeling positive!
  • opuntia
    opuntia Posts: 860 Member
    My reasons for asking is because I am finding a hard time connecting with people as my goals aren’t necessarily based on size or weight number.

    I can relate to this. I'm here because I also get a lot of fatigue (for different reasons from you - I have Asperger Syndrome, which is a condition I will always have, so I simply have to manage it) and I want to maximise my energy and clarity of thought and ability to focus. I keep track of my food intake to observe patterns and see what works - and also because it helps me with self-organisation. The number of calories and the number on the scale is really not so important to me.

    Feel free to add me if you like. And anyone here can add me. It's hard to find people who aren't here to lose weight and count calories, and I feel a bit of the 'odd one out' sometimes!
  • jlsAhava
    jlsAhava Posts: 411 Member
    I had several reasons to lose weight.

    1) To outsmart my genes: My father destroyed his body with Type II Diabetes. By the time he passed away he was on dialysis three days/wk, and was nearly entirely blind. He most likely could have prevented this had he maintained a healthy weight. My mother has had double knee replacement and still has difficulty walking and climbing steps. Her pain may not be entirely eliminated with weight loss, but it would certainly be lessened.

    2) I was growing out of my size 16s and refused to be relegated to shopping in the big girls' section. As someone who is 4'11", shopping is difficult enough! And money wise, I couldn't afford the trend of needing new clothes as I got bigger (thankfully, I'm able to get hand-me-downs from friends now that I'm going in the other direction).

    3) Chronic depression: I know that exercising and eating right is helpful in getting a handle on this, but in truth I don't notice any stark difference in my mood. I am however, slowly beginning to own this new body I've got, which is having a positive effect on my self-esteem! :smile:
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    I had mono my senior year of college (2004) and I have never gone back to my normal energy level. Even when I was eating right and exercising, always tired. But I am here to lose weight, get healthy and try and get more energy. I am going to have to look into this chronic fatigue syndrome. I haven't heard of it and am now wondering if maybe that is why I never returned to "normal" after mono. So thank you for posting! I will have to ask my doctor about this.
  • MrsBlobs
    MrsBlobs Posts: 310 Member
    I know from past experience that my mood elevates when I eat better/cleaner. That's why I'm back mainly - to return to a good frame of mind. Don't get me wrong - looking better helps too, it's all connected.
    Mostly though, as I said, it's to encourage my own mental good health.
  • Powergirl123
    so guys wont run away screaming when i walk by
  • apriltrainer
    apriltrainer Posts: 732 Member
    I am here to not get skinny. I am already there. I am here to learn to maintain.

    It's a very different ballgame.

    I never used to log my foods...but doing so I can see patterns. What foods I am more satisfied with,what calorie count I can get to without gaining, and also what cal count causes me to drop since I don't want that either, etc.

    Maybe one day I won't have to log..but until then I like seeing the pattern and learning about myself and what I need to do to maintain where I am at.