Something weird has happened?

Fozzi43 Posts: 2,984 Member
I weighed this morning, I haven't lost anything for about a month, I've been exercising for about a month at least 5times a week...I put on a pair of jeans that were kinda comfy on me...but I could barely do them up???? I almost couldn't do them up?

My weight hasn't gone up , I'm still the same weight so what's happened???


  • Fozzi43
    Fozzi43 Posts: 2,984 Member
    Does anyone have any clue?
  • heliumheels
    heliumheels Posts: 241 Member
    Could be that you are building muscle?
  • questiontheanswers
    questiontheanswers Posts: 170 Member
    A quick peek at your diary shows that you've only been tracking for a couple of days, so it's impossible to know what your calorie intake has been. But since your weight hasn't gone up and the difference is just in how your clothes fit, the first things that come to mind are fluid retention (due to T.O.M. or muscle swelling from the increased workouts?) or high sodium. Try to limit the processed foods, add sodium as one of the fields tracked on your diary, drink tons of water, and track everything.
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    Bloating? Larger butt muscles through exercise?
  • Lightbulb1088
    Lightbulb1088 Posts: 189 Member
    I weighed this morning, I haven't lost anything for about a month, I've been exercising for about a month at least 5times a week...I put on a pair of jeans that were kinda comfy on me...but I could barely do them up???? I almost couldn't do them up?

    My weight hasn't gone up , I'm still the same weight so what's happened???

    I am doing the same thing, I just got into 1 size smaller but no weight loss to show for it. I like being smaller tho!
  • MTBrob
    MTBrob Posts: 513 Member
    If your weight hasn't moved and with out knowing the type of exercising you are doing I would say bloating.. But it could be muscle growth ( highly unlikely though)

    Actually I do not know whats up with you ... Weird.
  • dawningrid
    dawningrid Posts: 7 Member
    Happens to me sometimes. Could by bloating or water retention I normally try again in two days and things are normally ok.
  • needamulligan
    needamulligan Posts: 558 Member
    Totally relying on faulty memory here but... MFP people frequently complain that they exercise and the scale hasn't budged but measurements and clothing usually reflect some progress. I recently read that people who are new to exercise may gain some weight. It had something to do with muscles holding on to fluid....I think? I don't recall if the article said anything about measurements but it would make sense.

    Are you drinking your water? staying within your calorie guidelines? watching your sodium? t.o.m.? Be patient. Change takes time.
  • needamulligan
    needamulligan Posts: 558 Member
    I just peeked at your diary. Try tracking sodium. I would bet you are on the high side and may be retaining water. Also, not all calories are created equal. I only looked at a couple days but I think you have room for improvement. Prepared foods and fast foods can contain a lot more fat and calories than you want.
  • Fozzi43
    Fozzi43 Posts: 2,984 Member
    My food diary today has been rubbish I admit but that's coz I've been out and about with taking my mum out and she gets well narky if I don't eat roughly same as her and today she wanted burger king crap :yawn:

    Been doing LOADS of squats and tummy core work with weights..maybe is fluid?
  • prairiewalker
    prairiewalker Posts: 184 Member
    Did your husband do the laundry with the HOT setting?
  • @prairiewalker

    lolololol...nice one
  • cjc166
    cjc166 Posts: 222
    You're eating a ton of high sodium processed foods. Replace all of that with fruits, veggies, and beans. I'm very serious. The foods you are eating are creating havoc in your body.
  • Fozzi43
    Fozzi43 Posts: 2,984 Member
    Ok here it is..I'm a mega fussy eater, really don't like fruit but I'd drink orange juice(small-amount ) the only veggies I like are potatoes, but I don't hardly eat them, maybe once a week, carrots, cabbage, green beans and peas..that's it so it's hard for me to eat mega well. I rarely go over the bad points ie sugar, sodium and yes I've had trouble making my protein levels....but I am doing my best with what I have and can't do anymore than that?
  • I'd say it's water retention with all that sodium.
    But it is hard to say without knowing what you've been eating prior to that.

    Unfortunately with the 'I don't like veggies' you're going to have to get used to them if you really want to see a change, if any at all. Your diet is very limited and very processed. Trying to stick to 'closest to the farm' is a really good idea. The more steps that go into getting it to you the worse off you are going to be by eating it.
    Juice is not a substitute for whole fruits. You miss so much of all the good things by just drinking the juice.

    Sometimes we have days where we can't control what we are going to eat but we must make the best choices we can. Try and take things with you if you know that you are going to be less in control of what options you have or know you'll be out when it's a normal meal time. I take fruit, nuts, protein bars and big bottles of water with me pretty much everywhere.
    Or I 'pre-eat' so I'll have my dinner for breakfast if I know I'm going to be starving with the crap choices on offer where I go so I'm not tempted to eat something that's going to muck it all up. Unfortunately I'm not at too much of a stage where I can allow myself to go over and make up for it.
    Protein will keep you full. Try cooking fresh lean meats ahead of time (chicken will keep 2-3 days) and use them on your sandwiches and in salads.

    It's important to take small steps at a time so maybe introduce one new veggie into your meals every 3-4 days. Aim for 2 a week. Mix it with ones you know you like.

    Your mum also needs to let go of the control over what you eat. If she wants to eat rubbish, let her. She can't have you putting in your mouth to justify her want for something. Your health is YOUR priority. If she can't get with that program I wouldn't be taking her around at meal times anymore OR be packing something for her to eat too. But I'm nasty lol.
  • Fozzi43
    Fozzi43 Posts: 2,984 Member
    I do like chicken so going to eat much more of that. I WILL try new veggies and make sure I eat lots of the ones I do like.I'm really going to try to eat better but in like the way of ravioli and you make your own?
  • raeraeti
    raeraeti Posts: 108
    You're eating a ton of high sodium processed foods. Replace all of that with fruits, veggies, and beans. I'm very serious. The foods you are eating are creating havoc in your body.

    Sodium would cause water retention (bloating). Keep an eye on your intake- it shouldn't take long to deflate if you're just bloated- give your body a few days to flush the crap out.
  • raeraeti
    raeraeti Posts: 108
    Did your husband do the laundry with the HOT setting?

    haha or this ^^^^

    maybe you're blaming yourself when it's the PANTS.
  • gramacanada
    gramacanada Posts: 557 Member
    My food diary today has been rubbish I admit but that's coz I've been out and about with taking my mum out and she gets well narky if I don't eat roughly same as her and today she wanted burger king crap :yawn: It's your body. At this point your mother doesn't control what you put in your mouth. If she, or anyone else does you have bigger problems than a few pounds.

    Been doing LOADS of squats and tummy core work with weights..maybe is fluid?
  • Fozzi43
    Fozzi43 Posts: 2,984 Member

    Sodium would cause water retention (bloating). Keep an eye on your intake- it shouldn't take long to deflate if you're just bloated- give your body a few days to flush the crap out.

    I posted a few days ago about not being about to 'go' to the loo....and I got some tablets and I have been now ..a lot...but did think I may had lost even half a pound :ohwell: