Just starting...Need help understanding Calorie count

I am trying to start out on the right foot and lose this weight the right way. My MFP calories are 1700/day. I workout 4 times a week for 60 mins. The first day I consumed 800 cals and yesterday about 1000. I thought i was doing my body good by not eating all my calories, but after reading posts it seems im hendering my weight loss by not eating enough cals. Can someone please help me figure this out. Also am i supposed to eat my 1700 calories plus the cals subtracted for weight loss?

Thank you guys!


  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    If MFP says you need 1700, go ahead and eat 1700. It has already calculated in your calorie deficit. Look at it as you can eat up to 1700 a day and still be losing weight as fast as you told it you want to.

    Make sure you are getting PLENTY of protein. 20 to 30 percent of your calories should be protein given you are also exercising so much.

    Best thing about MFP is that it teaches you that you can actually eat a decent amount and lose weight, you just gotta track it all!
  • kee249
    kee249 Posts: 5
    Thanks so much for the advice. It looks like I am going to have to eat something even when im not hungry. I havent been hungry that much, thats why my cals was low.....not to mention i thought i was going to loose weight by eating less cals. I know that my body will be off track metabolically, but i was risking it for the weight loss. Now i know better!

    Thanks for your feedback!
  • theartichoke
    theartichoke Posts: 816 Member
    1700 is a great place to be! If you're having trouble with getting enough cals in go for calorie/nutrient dense foods. Avocados, peanut/almond butters, nuts, cottage cheese, full fat milk and yogurt. Don't avoid fats! Fuel your body well and the appetite will come. Best of luck on your new adventure!
  • kee249
    kee249 Posts: 5
    Thanks for the advise and congratulations on your weight loss. You look great:)