Hi i'm new here :-)

Hi everyone I am new here & looking for some friends who can help & support me thru achieving the new me!

I am 31 & have two kids aged 7 & 9. I have been on the large side for all my life. I peaked at 18 when I weighed over 20st !!! & have yo-yo dieted for yrs. 2yrs ago I lost a lot of weight before my wedding but have since put it all plus more back on. I have recently been diagnosed with depression & am now talking pills which have made me feel like a new woman! I am now ready to find the new me & have more determination than ever to get my weight down especially as me & my hubby are TTC our 1st child together which means I want my health to be in tip top condition!

Please message me if like me you need some help & motivation & together i'm sure we can do this :-)