Sugar is keeping me from my goal weight. Sugar and booze.

I am so close!
I am 12 pounds away from being the same weight I was before I got pregnant with my 1st. daughter 17 1/2 years ago. I know my addiction to Sugar,(Ice Cream,Chocolate and every fruit known to man)Latte's:drinker: and my love of Beer are the reason but I just can not seem to find the will power to give them up. Which makes no sense considering I have given up Smoking,fast food and my gallon a day Pepsi habit:sad: I have stopped tracking my sugar because my morning smoothie puts me over and I eat fruit all day long.
8 months ago I had lost 60 pounds and was transitioning to maintenance. Then my computer crashed,I lost my job and issues with my teenager sent me into depression and I gained back 12 pounds. Now I am back on track but the sugar thing is killing me!
Any and all kindhearted suggestions and criticism are welcome.


  • smokinjackd
    Its only 12 pounds, if you are maintaining then enjoy your beer and sugar. When you start gaining, cut back.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    With me, the more sugar I eat, the more sugar I want.

    So what I do is portion control. I eat my ice cream, but just a quarter cup. I have one little square of dark chocolate, not 3. I left sugar out of my morning coffee entirely.

    I started munching tomatoes and apples instead of bananas, which I only have at breakfast. If I don't buy them, I can't eat them.

    I went from granola to muesli.

    Now things that I used to like taste funny because they're too sweet. And my kids say the same thing, which is even better.

    (P.S. You can do the same thing with beer.)
  • Captain_Spatchcock
    Focus on getting sufficient protein & fat. Sugar (and carbs) will fall into place. You can stand to raise your protein, significantly. But honestly this is unlikely to be the issue. As long as you're in calorie deficit (but not extremely so) you should be losing weight. Could it be possibe that your exercise calories are overestimated?
  • sunshine3021
    sunshine3021 Posts: 12 Member
    I have a love of beer too...but since I can see what it does to the gut...I swiched to rum and diet.
    I know, I know, I should just stop all together and this may not be anybetter, but its found helpful in my situation. Step your exercise up a notch, have a lite mixed drink, and slow the carbs. You should be fine!
  • keegannati
    keegannati Posts: 114
    Bud Select 55!
  • Eleisabelle
    Don't try to give them up completely. That's self-torture if you enjoy them so much. But try to limit them more.

    For example, I love wine, and I know it gets in my way. I try to limit my wine drinking to just weekends, and on Thursday nights when we have a regular evening out with friends. And even then, it's only one glass on Thursday night, and maybe two glasses on a weekend night. I can't always limit it that well, as my willpower not always there, but setting that goal has helped a lot!

    For sugar, the fact that most of what you're getting is from fruit shouldn't be a problem. But for those desserts (yummy) aim to have just one real dessert a day, and make sure it's a small portion. Share it with your hubby, or, if it's something you've baked, cut it into small pieces as soon as you cut into it, so you'll only have small servings.

    And if you love these things, instead of cutting them, try adding an activity that makes up for them. If you have a beer, make sure you spend 10 to 20 minutes extra doing something active that will help you build muscle and/or burn calories.

    I've discovered that if I'm too restrictive with myself, I set myself up for failure. By giving myself a little leeway, I've become more successful and happier with who I am.
  • scooterwd
    Decide on just one change rather than overwhelming yourself with several changes and then taking away everything you enjoy. Pick one thing to change or eliminate.. say change your morning smoothie to a veggie/fruit smoothie (I do carrots, spinach, blueberries, orange juice and greek yogurt), or if you are having a sugar-y dessert more than once a week, limit yourself to just one time per week (I would eat ice cream or frozen yogurt for every meal every day if I could, but I limit it to once a week). Those "last" few pounds (your 12, my 15) are so stubborn. I've tried losing them many times before, and it really isn't until you identify the smallest ways you can improve your diet that they start to shed.. as much as that does stink! Good luck :)
  • Cms5227
    Cms5227 Posts: 13
    Booze is one of my biggest problems with weight loss. I love beer and I love GOOD beer. Unfortunately, it seems, that the better the beer, the more calories it contains. If I really want a FEW beers (instead of just one) I drink Budweiser Select 55. A regular beer has between 100 and 150 calories. These have 55 each. If you're drinking a couple, it can REALLY save calories. Now, the thing is, Bud 55 isn't the best tasting in the world. I find it becomes tolerably tasty when given a lime and salt, Corona style.
    If you're worried about your sugar intake, you might want to concentrate on eating fruits that are a little lower in sugar like apples and blueberries.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    I am about 10 pounds from my goal. I have had to completely stop drinking alcohol. One glass of wine a day and I wouldn't be able to lose any weight. It has to do with the liver processing the alcohol before food so the food goes more to fat.
  • peuglow
    peuglow Posts: 684 Member
    I am so close!
    I am 12 pounds away from being the same weight I was before I got pregnant with my 1st. daughter 17 1/2 years ago. I know my addiction to Sugar,(Ice Cream,Chocolate and every fruit known to man)Latte's:drinker: and my love of Beer are the reason but I just can not seem to find the will power to give them up. Which makes no sense considering I have given up Smoking,fast food and my gallon a day Pepsi habit:sad: I have stopped tracking my sugar because my morning smoothie puts me over and I eat fruit all day long.
    8 months ago I had lost 60 pounds and was transitioning to maintenance. Then my computer crashed,I lost my job and issues with my teenager sent me into depression and I gained back 12 pounds. Now I am back on track but the sugar thing is killing me!
    Any and all kindhearted suggestions and criticism are welcome.

    Not to state the obvious, but if you know what your problems are, and you choose not to do anything about those problems, you will not see change.
  • mercymarque
    You have come so far and know ur weaknesses... U don't have to cut them out completely... Do it in moderation. Dove ice cream is low in calories... Skinny and low cal beer should be fine in moderation. Keep up ur hard work. U can do it!!!
  • mikeyboy
    mikeyboy Posts: 1,057 Member
    When I read the title, I wondered why you would put sugar in your booze? Rum & diet, bourbon & diet, vodka & lime juice! Carry on! :drinker:
  • maroonmango211
    maroonmango211 Posts: 908 Member
    Pick and choose. I love my glass of wine after supper and to me I'd rather have that then a serving of ice cream. I love having a piece of fruit for lunch much more than adding sugar to my coffee. You don't have to cut it out completely just chose one or two servings of sugar or alcohol a day.
  • oldsalty1
    Don't forget a good share of sugars are in alcohol...maybe vodka would be another solution to booze.

    My body is a sugar hound....I kinda have the carb cravings under control...the sugar is another story...Free Cool Whip and Greek Yogurt are my best friends at night...
  • fitmom2000
    fitmom2000 Posts: 18 Member
    This post just came up while I was contemplating hte fact that I really want wine and dessert at the event I'm going to tonight, and if I could just give up sugar and alcohol all together I'd probably already be at goal weight, so know you aren't alone!

    The one thing I will say that has helped me through all of the challenges is to cut down on refined sugar but letting myself eat fruit. What kind of smoothy are you getting? You can make one yourself at home, either with just fresh fruit and ice or with non-fat plain greek yogurt and fruit (the greek yogurt is great for you as long as you stay away from the flavors --- then suddenly you're adding 14g+ of refined sugar!). I keep bags of frozen fruit in the freezer.

    I also try to let myself eat some sugar but in small amounts. For example, I'll have one or two hershey kisses, or a mini york peppermint patty. You can still get a lot of satisfaction after a small amount.

    I have found sugar is just as addicting as nicotene was ---- and just like you have to detox your body when you quick smoking, you have to detox it from the sugar. I think the more you have it the more you crave it, but once you can cut a lot of it out you will find small amounts are more than satisfying and you don't crave it nearly as much.

    I'm also a big ice cream fan, I keep a half gallon of mint chocolate chip low fat ice cream in the freezer and have a half a cup almost every night. Knowing I'm getting that at the end of the day also makes it so I don't feel deprived when there's other stuff lying around the office --- I know i'm getting ice cream later, so I don't care that I'm not having something else now.

    as for alcohol: I'm not a beer drinker, but I love cosmos, which are really high in calories. Friday nights are my night, I just don't drink the rest of the week, because I can't ever have just one! And if I'm going ot a cocktail reception after work, I usually plan a workout or run for later in the evening (and tell my husband about it to be accountable), because I can't run or workout after a glass or two of wine, so I'll stick to water at the party.

    Just focus on how good you feel now vs. where you were when you were heavier, and how much better you'll feel in another 12 pounds!
  • acpgee
    acpgee Posts: 7,701 Member
    Sugar makes your glucose yo-yo, so you end up craving more later on. Try to postpone sugary treats until later in the day.
  • superhippiechik
    superhippiechik Posts: 1,044 Member
    Focus on getting sufficient protein & fat. Sugar (and carbs) will fall into place. You can stand to raise your protein, significantly. But honestly this is unlikely to be the issue. As long as you're in calorie deficit (but not extremely so) you should be losing weight. Could it be possibe that your exercise calories are overestimated?
    I do need a HRM...I ride my bike to work every day and I knock 10 minutes off my total time to allow for downhill and coasting. Think I should knock off more time?
  • Tarin626
    Tarin626 Posts: 101 Member
    One note though and I have to admit I'm not a big drinker but its not just the empty calories in the beer - the alcohol slows down your metabolism for up to A WEEK as it works through your system (not just digestive but liver and kidneys).

    Remeber alcohol is a poison as far as your bady is concerned :-(

    I don't think there's anything wrong with your fruit intake - its a good source of calories and contains fibre and lots of other vitamins essential to good health! :-)

    The chocolate and ice cream - I'm with ya there! But I agree with others posts - moderation...just a little ice cream, not half the tub!

    Good luck with losing the last 12lbs
  • Faintgreeneyes
    Faintgreeneyes Posts: 730 Member
    "Sugar" itself does not make you fat. If your macros are in check,(protein, carbs, fat) and you are consuming less calories than you are burning, you will continue to lose weight.

    I've lost almost 20 lbs, and I do not track my sugar intake at all. I make sure whatever treat I want ( be it ice cream, cake, cookies, etc) fits into my allotted calories for the day, and then I eat it, enjoy it.

    I believe that when we "limit" ourselves and what we can eat- is when we want the "bad" things that much more and then over indulge. Having a sweet something everyday is not going to kill you or your healthy eating plan.
  • Captain_Spatchcock
    Focus on getting sufficient protein & fat. Sugar (and carbs) will fall into place. You can stand to raise your protein, significantly. But honestly this is unlikely to be the issue. As long as you're in calorie deficit (but not extremely so) you should be losing weight. Could it be possibe that your exercise calories are overestimated?
    I do need a HRM...I ride my bike to work every day and I knock 10 minutes off my total time to allow for downhill and coasting. Think I should knock off more time?

    It's hard to say. One way to guesstimate calories is to take your percieved intensity level on a scale of 1 to 10 and multiply by minutes. So for example, if your bike ride is on average a "7", and it lasts 30 minutes, I would use 210 calories (7 * 30). Obviously this is just a rule of thumb, not a solid scientific approach. But my HRM gives me numbers in the same ballpark as this sort of estimate does....