Hi ... i am listening

My name is Mike and i am trying to get back in real good shape.
I am about 5'11'' and i want to be 180lbs. I know I can get there just need to work.
2 summers ago i lost 40lbs counting cals but put it back on ..this time i am changing my lifestyle as well as dieting to get to
my ideal weight.

i am open to any of your ideas and thoughts ...

Mike :indifferent:


  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    My name is Mike and i am trying to get back in real good shape.
    I am about 5'11'' and i want to be 180lbs. I know I can get there just need to work.
    2 summers ago i lost 40lbs counting cals but put it back on ..this time i am changing my lifestyle as well as dieting to get to
    my ideal weight.

    i am open to any of your ideas and thoughts ...

    Mike :indifferent:
    What's up Mike? My name is Samantha and I am a responding person. It just pisses me off when peeps don't reply to mail and posts....Read my page and you'll understand. Feel free to add me and I always reply to mail and under usual circumstances-posts as well.....ttyl...
  • In my best Rob Schneider voice.... " YOU CAN DO IT "
  • johned64
    johned64 Posts: 13
    Hi Mike welcome to the MFP family. we do watch our calories but I find that I have learned what to stay away from as well. I have only lost 6 pound in the last 2 weeks but I feel like a new person. I am eating better and also eating things I did not care for before.
    Have fun on the journey and you can add me if you like My diary is open to my friends.
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    What's up Mike? My name is Samantha and I first logged in one week ago. This site is pretty helpful but it sux when peeps don't communicate or reply to your posts...That's really the only dilemma I have here. I am welcome to add you as a motivated player and am usually the one that replies to posts. Just read my info on my page and if your down with it, send a request. ttyl-
  • Hi Mike
    I just join the website one week ago...I google me a 1200 cal plan and stuck with it. I weight in today which was my 7th day and I lost 15lbs. I've lost weight sooooooooooo many times I have stop counting, but I realize I need to change my eating habit for life. My down fall is sweets and man I love to cook them. So I suggest finding a diet plan and go for it...good luck :)
  • Mikey_Cutlets
    Mikey_Cutlets Posts: 8 Member
    thank you ...i think I have an idea, what works for me is Chicken, Fish and veggies and i cook them with out Oils ... so its low in fat and cals ...its just the cravings for awful food ...i guess its will power and allow for a once in a while cheat day ...lol
  • Mikey_Cutlets
    Mikey_Cutlets Posts: 8 Member
    Hey Sam, thanks for the reply, sent a friend request ... I am definetly motivated.


  • Mikey_Cutlets
    Mikey_Cutlets Posts: 8 Member
    Hey Sam, thanks for the reply, sent a friend request ... I am definetly motivated.


  • cateyjo
    cateyjo Posts: 108
    I am having my struggles too. Trying to figure out the correct amount of calories to eat in order to lose. I have lost inches, so that is good, but am really trying to take off about 25 lbs. I should say 24, since I have lost one pound. Good luck finding what works for you and making it a lifelong change.
  • Mikey_Cutlets
    Mikey_Cutlets Posts: 8 Member
    thanks, I have lost 13lbs in 2 weeks ...weigh in is tomorrow so maybe more ...i just want to know after i get to my ideal weight and eat what i want ...mission impossible I know ... but still gonna figure it out...i guess i have to workout everyday :bigsmile:
  • Mikey_Cutlets
    Mikey_Cutlets Posts: 8 Member
    thanks lol
  • Pkbrda
    Pkbrda Posts: 1
    Hello. Today is my first day on fitness pal. Any suggestions for afternoon snacks.
  • Mikey_Cutlets
    Mikey_Cutlets Posts: 8 Member
    I like fruit so i'm always a fan of apples and bananas but if your worried about suger and of the low sugar kellogs bars are great ... i love the fruit crisps 100 cals and 2g of fat.
  • cateyjo
    cateyjo Posts: 108
    I think a lot of it is learning portion control. You can eat what you like in moderation. Otherwise, you can't possibly keep it off after losing. And choosing healthier foods. It is all a learning process.