My doctor has made me feel so discouraged

I have been working on improving my health since the first of the year. First, I made changes to my eating habits. Then, after a couple of months, I started exercising regularly. I also kept honest journals (I found FitnessPal very recently). I am actually at the point of meeting my daily recommended calorie needs and I have improved my physical fitness (I can run further and faster now than when I started). But, all of this has caused me to gain instead of lose.

As of Wednesday, I am about 35lbs overweight. Everyone keeps telling me it's muscle gain, but I still have a lot of flab :) I think they are trying to make me feel better. But, I had started the process of realizing that this may just be it for me and the best that I can do is eat healthy and exercise. Then, my new doctor reviewed my chart with me and was happy that everything was good. And then says, "Now about your are you doing on that?" That was really a self esteem crusher for me. I have been working so hard, but my weight won't budge (unless to get heavier). Which makes me want to give up and that is the easy part. So, a co-worker does Slim for Life and gave me some tips to get started. I am in the first day of that, but I can see that this is not a long-term solution.

I have always been fit. Even when I was nothing but muscle (hard to believe that was ever true) I weighed 107 (right about where I should be since I am really short). I'm only aiming for 115. Sadly, I am sitting at 145. I have had a c-section and "they" say that it is hard to lose weight once you've had one of those, but I really wanted to be the exception on that.


  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    How is your water intake? I was drinking the recommended amount, but still gaining weight. Then one day I tried drinking an insane amount of water, and BOOM! The weight came off. I get 90-100 oz a day now, and my body seems very happy and is cooperating. It would seem that the recommended amount just wasn't good enough for my body. Maybe try that for yourself?
  • MadWorld
    MadWorld Posts: 200
    It's great that you have improved your eating habits and are exercising. It's also great that you keep a daily journal of what you eat.

    Are you sure your food measurements are accurate? Are you sure you are paying attention to everything and I mean everything you eat for the day? I'm sure you know all about that, especially since you've been working with your doctor.

    Lastly, have you had your thyroid checked? I went through the same thing last year and finally asked outright for a thyroid test. Sure enough, I had thyroiditis. I'm better now, luckily... but at the time it made it hard to lose any weight no matter how much I worked out and how little I ate.
  • pawprint061
    Welcome to MFP first off. I was kinda like you when I first started. I had always been fit, always been slim, never worried about what I ate. It all changed in one year for me. I went from a size 7 to a size 13 in just a few months. Then I got pregnant. I was over weight before I got pregnant which didn't help afterwords. As much as I want to be able to go out for a run just like that or hit the gym up and burn some sweat, I can't. I have no physical stamina I guess that is what you would call it. I'm a good 30 pounds over weight also but I have lost 18 pounds since July late June.

    When I first started I drank nothing but water and cut my calories down to 1300 which is what MFP recommended for me. I went crazy on water. I started gaining. Worked out more, drank more water... still gained more. Finally doctor said stop over doing it with the water. He told me that I only need 8 cups a day minimum. If I work out then I should drink a little more obviously but he told me that my body will tell me when it needs water and when to stop. So far, he's right. I cut back on the water and I started losing right away. I can't exercise a whole lot because my knees hurt, and my back has issues. So I walk. My job is nothing but walking so I lucked out there. But I walk every single day. My off days, I walk. I try to up my walking each week a bit. So, cutting back on the exercise and the water is what helped my jump start. Plus, eating my calories earned from my exercise. It's hard now sometimes because my stomach has been retrained to eat smaller meals and it tells me when I'm full physically instead of my mind telling me when to stop eating. I had to make huge changes in my eating. Everything is light or reduced fat as much as possible. Skim milk, wheat bread, things like that really made a huge difference for me. I mainly go by calories and my walking.

    I wish you good luck. I hope that your hard work starts to pay off soon.
  • jennbissonnette
    Dont you ever let anyone tell you cant do something! Ever! And as far as all that goes, im a 22 year old female and did cheerleading, dance etc all my life! My son will be turning 1 on December 8th of this year and i had went from 95 at 16/17 years old to a healthy weight of 105 right before i had gotten pregnant. I gained 55lbs!!!!!! When i got pregnant. (Thank you strawberry short cake cravings!) And i couldnt lose weight for the life of me.
    I Worked out daily from 6weeks post and did atkins the( right way). The only thing it did was make my cholestrole go up to 252 and as i lost 13lbs when i was on it for 4 weeks. As soon as i got off of it within 2 weeks gained 7lbs back. And i didnt go back to eating bad again. So the point to all of this is screw them! Find whats good for you. Its hard but i found eating a healthy balanced meal with YES a looot of water and with the aid of a pilates, yoga and 90minute kickboxing classes once a week and 2 days of cardio and weight for 60 mins each in between the classes was the only way ive gone back down to 115. Im currently trying to lose the last horrable 10. Give it time. It is harder but dont get discouraged! How long has it been since you have had your baby? Best of luck honey!!!:wink:
  • carla1
    sounds like you may have to increase the intensity of workouts and decrease portion size if that is an option.
  • denton
    denton Posts: 14 Member
    I will try drinking extra water. I have found this part of my whole change to be the hardest. Fortunately, I have recently changed the type of job I have. Previously, I wasn't able to drink much during the day, but now I have easier access to water. One thing I have going for me is that I have solely drank water for the last 13years (I took running pretty seriously pre-marriage and baby).

    I am making it to the gym for at least 30minutes/ 5 days a week. I split my time between running and lifting.

    One other thing though, I was anorexic my senior year of highschool. So, I do have to be careful about cutting back food too far.

    Thanks for the encouragement too. It really does make me feel better!
  • jennbissonnette
    are you my twin??? I had an eating disorder in high school also! so strange! Got my husband on patrol for that now! lol
  • denton
    denton Posts: 14 Member
    LOL perhaps. My husband keeps a close eye on that as well!
  • MadWorld
    MadWorld Posts: 200
    Hmmm. You might check with your insurance about a dietician. I am also a recovering anorexic. My husband noticed I was falling back into old patterns not too long ago and found a dietician to get me back on track. It really helped me to develop a better frame of mind. If you find a dietician he/she can help you set realistic calorie goals for yourself based on your own body. Mine was also really good at helping me "think" through my twisted rationalizations-- if that makes any sense. :noway:

    Try not to get frustrated... losing weight takes time. You like running, run just to run. Eat when you are hungry and stop when you are full. Listen to your body. :wink:
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    I will try drinking extra water. I have found this part of my whole change to be the hardest. Fortunately, I have recently changed the type of job I have. Previously, I wasn't able to drink much during the day, but now I have easier access to water. One thing I have going for me is that I have solely drank water for the last 13years (I took running pretty seriously pre-marriage and baby).

    I am making it to the gym for at least 30minutes/ 5 days a week. I split my time between running and lifting.

    One other thing though, I was anorexic my senior year of highschool. So, I do have to be careful about cutting back food too far.

    Thanks for the encouragement too. It really does make me feel better!

    Your workouts may NOT be long enough nor hard enough! I suggest you get a heart rate monitor (HRM) then do AT LEAST 30 minutes of hard cardio then add another 30 minutes of lifting! Burn up those calories and remember to LOG every bite you take!!! Yes you can lose weight the right way, that is eating a balanced diet and exercising! Best wishes to ya!!! Hang with us, it is so much easier than trying on your own!!!
  • denton
    denton Posts: 14 Member
    Do you think it would help if I run three days a week and lift for two? The time I spend at the gym is the best I can do. On a good night, I can get a video in at home too. But I can't count on that.

    I am careful about logging my intake.
  • strongandfit
    No one can make you feel discouraged. They can only voice their opinion. How you feel is your interpretation of events into thoughts and feelings inside your own mind and it can become thoughts of encouragement or discouragement. Feelings of discouragement is self created. I know it sounds like mumble jumble. Perhaps one day what I am saying will make sense and a light bulb would go off and you will feel empowered rather than powerless and being victimized.
  • MadWorld
    MadWorld Posts: 200
    I think that's a good starting plan. I definitely think you need to be doing at LEAST 30 minutes of cardio at a time to burn any significant calories. You might also think about incorporating interval training into your schedule. Free weights at home and running outside are also good options when you can't get to the gym, say on the weekends...
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Do you think it would help if I run three days a week and lift for two? The time I spend at the gym is the best I can do. On a good night, I can get a video in at home too. But I can't count on that.

    I am careful about logging my intake.
    Cardio three days(hard for as long as you have time) and lifting 2 days would be good until you can get more time in the schedule. Good job on the logging!!
  • Texangrrl
    im still a newbie at this, but i also think your workouts need to be longer! i like the suggestions so far. good luck!!
    SUMMERV Posts: 2 Member
    A great book to read is Master Your Metabolism by Jillian Michaels. Extreme dieting can cause hypothyroidism and so can pregnancy. Hypothyroidism will slow your metabolism and make it very difficult to lose weight. You should definitely have yours tested.
  • denton
    denton Posts: 14 Member
    Oh, I forgot to post that I have had my thyroid tested recently and it is fine.

    Thanks for all of the suggestions, I feel much more motivated now than when I originally posted. I will check out the book rec also.
  • knittygirl52
    knittygirl52 Posts: 432 Member
    Seriously, this may be time to think about a new doctor. I had a doctor for years who would always mention my weight as being problematic--at one point in time he lectured me about my weight, and when I pointed out I had lost 30 pounds in the last six months he merely said "Well, you still have plenty to lose." My new doctor, although quite slender herself, is my biggest cheerleader. She not only gives me tips and tricks, but she asks me for tips of my own that she can share with other patients. Positive reinforcement. They told me to do that with my kids; who knew it could work with me!:smile:
  • jwilson56
    I love it... one person says to drink more water... another to not drink as much....

    Well it only shows you were are all different and have our own genes. I have known people that could pretty much eat anything they wanted to and were thin as a bean pole. Others could gain weight just looking at cake. I think you need to try and see what works for you. I am a diabetic on insulin. My Endocrinologist pretty much told me that it is almost an impossible task to lose weight (especially in the belly fat area) when your on insulin. Well I am trying very hard and will not deter from my goal. I think most of us hit plateaus now and then. I am at one myself even though I am losing some inches in the waste the scale itself has stalled. I guess it is one of those times that muscle gain is offsetting the fat. That is why it is important to track measurements as well as weight. I also use a certain pair of jeans to try on and see how much looser they seem. That is always a mental boost to see then falling off.

    Just don't give up.... it is your body. Just be honest to yourself and log everything that goes into your mouth and try to extend your exercise to at least 30 minutes at a time. They say past 20 is when you stop burning sugar and start burning fat.

    Gook luck
  • zeala
    zeala Posts: 119 Member
    If you are really getting nowhere, have your thyroid levels checked. Even better, go to a specialist for that. I heard that from a regular doc they may show up as normal, but not with a specialist.