my latte had how many calories?!?!?!



  • 0somuchbetter0
    0somuchbetter0 Posts: 1,335 Member
    Good thing I don't like milk! I'm a coffee purist -- black, no sugar -- so not an issue for me.

    I find that restaurant food is a killer (especially chain restaurants). I don't know how they sneak in all those calories! Yesterday I had a Thai salad with chopped peanuts and grilled chicken from Au Bon Pain --> 390 cals! Didn't have a choice, was at an airport food court and that was the best I could do. So glad I'm back from vacation and can prepare my own food again!
  • yummmm 310 calories of pure delicious-ness!
    if i ever think that i'm going to stop and get something like that i look up the nutritional info online that way there are no surprises.
    starbucks has a LOT of 0-100 calorie options and i've tried a few of the iced teas and they're all so, so good :)
    and to answer your question, i once ate an ENTIRE WATERMELON. 1,000ish calories later i was dying and peeing and dying and i never thought it had that many calories in it. it's 90% water for godsakes!
  • Illona88
    Illona88 Posts: 903 Member
    This is why I always bring a homemade packed lunch, snacks and a thermos flask of tea. Bit nerdy, but so much better for you.

    I started doing this, because I have allergies and intolerances, but now I am quite glad I do because it saves a lot of calories and you actually know what is in it.

    I did have a bit of a shock when I found out a glass of orange juice is actually 120 cals. I used to drink loads of juice, thinking it was healthy and low cal, but now I try to limit it to max. 2 glasses a day and drink green tea and water instead.
  • PayneAS
    PayneAS Posts: 669 Member
    A normal Sonic Cheeseburger. Just the burger. 800 calories. Oh my.
  • jobelle217
    jobelle217 Posts: 41 Member
    Not even a treat in my opinion.....but apparently a popeye's biscuit has 260 calories???? I wouldn't have eaten it had I known.
  • I've learned that if it tastes good, it as lots of calories. Plain boring tasteless food is the only way to go.
    I agree...but op if you search the calorie lists yuou might find a better substitute. i traded my 460 cal drink for a once in a while 290 cal drink. even then i nurse it all day it seems lol.
  • SnazzyTraveller
    SnazzyTraveller Posts: 457 Member
    I've learned that if it tastes good, it as lots of calories. Plain boring tasteless food is the only way to go.

  • collingmommy
    collingmommy Posts: 456 Member
    Wendys chili cheese fries! Omg yummy! 570 calories=depression!
  • MemphisKitten
    MemphisKitten Posts: 878 Member
    I have lattes all the time and use up WAY too many calories with my "seasonal drinks." But I really didn't think a Starbucks Grande Pumpkin Spice Latte was over 400 calories! At least I know now and I can compensate. :wink:
  • I LOVE coffee. So hard not to have one everyday, but with some moderation in milk and syrups they can be affordable. Great ideas on how to improve latte calories on here. Thanks!
  • iulia_maddie
    iulia_maddie Posts: 2,780 Member
    I've learned that if it tastes good, it as lots of calories. Plain boring tasteless food is the only way to go.
  • gddrdld
    gddrdld Posts: 464 Member
    Philly cheesesteak sandwhich. Now it was on my free day, and i knew it would have a lot of calories. Its a 15 inch real philly cheese-steak, cheese, onions and peppers. I figured i was being generous assuming 1000 calories. I ate it, and it was GOOD. Then i looked it up. 1800! Oh. My. God. Thats crazy! Lol. I'll still have one every few months or so on my free day though. Theyre too good not to :) the shop's slogan is 'caution: may be habit forming' :p

    There is nothing like a REALLY good Philly cheesesteak...Worth every calorie and every mile I have to run to burn it off. God I miss cheesesteaks.
  • Molly_Maguire
    Molly_Maguire Posts: 1,103 Member
    Philly cheesesteak sandwhich. Now it was on my free day, and i knew it would have a lot of calories. Its a 15 inch real philly cheese-steak, cheese, onions and peppers. I figured i was being generous assuming 1000 calories. I ate it, and it was GOOD. Then i looked it up. 1800! Oh. My. God. Thats crazy! Lol. I'll still have one every few months or so on my free day though. Theyre too good not to :) the shop's slogan is 'caution: may be habit forming' :p

    Your first clue should have been that the sandwich is a whopping 15 inches long. Holy smokes, and you would eat the whole thing?? I don't know anybody who can eat that much.
  • gddrdld
    gddrdld Posts: 464 Member
    Philly cheesesteak sandwhich. Now it was on my free day, and i knew it would have a lot of calories. Its a 15 inch real philly cheese-steak, cheese, onions and peppers. I figured i was being generous assuming 1000 calories. I ate it, and it was GOOD. Then i looked it up. 1800! Oh. My. God. Thats crazy! Lol. I'll still have one every few months or so on my free day though. Theyre too good not to :) the shop's slogan is 'caution: may be habit forming' :p

    Your first clue should have been that the sandwich is a whopping 15 inches long. Holy smokes, and you would eat the whole thing?? I don't know anybody who can eat that much.
    Funny...I know lots of people who can eat that much and more. :)
  • mrsmarit
    mrsmarit Posts: 229 Member
    Did you know that Oregon Chai has a sugar free option? I use that and don't notice the taste difference.. and it's 0 calories so your only calories come from whatever you add to it.

    For me it's anything food related (except oatmeal) from Starbucks... their banana nut bread piece is like 300+ calories.. and a sandwich is over 600+

    I had a Denny's lite fit omlet meal AND hasbrowns for only 100 calories or so more than justa sanmdwich at Starbucks.

    I do love their cool lime refresher though.
  • Topher1978
    Topher1978 Posts: 975 Member
    I've learned that if it tastes good, it as lots of calories. Plain boring tasteless food is the only way to go.
    Not true.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    Perkin's French Toast. ONE THOUSAND CALORIES down my throat before I stopped to look up the nutrition information. I was mortified!
  • Topher1978
    Topher1978 Posts: 975 Member
    Good thing I don't like milk! I'm a coffee purist -- black, no sugar -- so not an issue for me.

    I find that restaurant food is a killer (especially chain restaurants). I don't know how they sneak in all those calories! Yesterday I had a Thai salad with chopped peanuts and grilled chicken from Au Bon Pain --> 390 cals! Didn't have a choice, was at an airport food court and that was the best I could do. So glad I'm back from vacation and can prepare my own food again!
    My sentiments exactly! On occasion, I will put some milk or heavy cream in my coffee with some backstrap molasses. But that is a few times a year.
  • SurfyFriend
    SurfyFriend Posts: 362 Member
    My starbucks obsession went out the door when i realized the calories. I couldnt imagine my normal drink was around 300 an sometimes more than that!! I make coffee and put a scoop or whey protein in it now which gives it a mocha taste, the only calories in it are the protein but its like a meal, so it works.

    This is a brilliant idea to put protein powder in your coffee to make it like a mocha!
    I've found theres less cals in a black coffee with heaps of sugar than a soy latte without sugar.
    I personally had 10 dates the other afternoon and was shocked when it was 600+ cals!
  • NikoM5
    NikoM5 Posts: 488 Member
    Lattes are not the problem here. It's all the sugar you add that's the issue. Without the sugar you just have espresso and milk, and milk is a great source of protein! Your latte doesn't taste good without sugar you say? Easily solved. Seek out any decent third wave coffee house in your area and sample their latte without any added sugar. Third wave coffee houses are those that take a keen interest in the entire process of coffee and espresso brewing from bean origin, roasting, grinding, brewing, and pouring. This ain't Starbucks fyi. If created properly, your latte will have the perfect amount of sweetness created by the skilled barista who knows exactly how long to texture the milk in order to bring out it's natural sweetness. The espresso portion will have so much flavor that no flavored syrups are required either.

    Basically, stop going to starbucks. They make a terrible excuse for espresso there and they consistently scald the milk. This is why you have to add a bunch of sugar to make it palatable.

    My apologies to the SB employee who posted earlier. Nothing personal, your company simply does not give you the tools to create good coffee and espresso.