Not Digesting Foods?!?



  • GeorgiaJenn1181
    If none of your bowel movements would fall into the "normal" range, I'd seriously recommend seeing a specialist and get tested for Crohn's Disease. If this was only happening after eating certain things, I'd speculate some sort of IBS, but if your BMs are unpredictable, and abnormal despite dietary modifications, there may be something else going on. I know that, for me, my IBS-D is triggered only by certain foods. Usually things like peas and cruciferous veggies (broccoli really does me in) are triggers, but also overeating, or eating too fast on an empty stomach can trigger it as well. When you said oftentimes you're having to excuse yourself and have a bowel movement while still eating dinner, it really resonated with me, because that's what happens to me if I eat broccoli, so I've had to eliminate it from my diet.

    Anyway, I hope you can get a diagnosis soon so that you can enjoy eating and not be in so much pain.
  • cw106
    cw106 Posts: 952 Member
    i love the search function on this site.
    took me 3 weeks initially to suspect lettuce on my new diet strating july 1.
    skipped salads since then, tried a pasta salad. last week as ok.
    tried a store bought premixed salad with lettuce tonight. lay down for 1 hour, and the explosive D is back.
    doctors appointment booked now.
    how long does it take to recover normally?
    just as a t2 diabetic i have 2x daily meds to take with food. main meds with evening meal.