Cutting out dairy to lose weight?



  • ars1300
    ars1300 Posts: 159 Member
    I have also heard this but I think everyone is different and it won't work for everyone. I think the majority of the reasons are for sugar or carbohydrates in milk or an intolerance etc. Many fitness/bodybuilding competitors will totally cut dairy out. Calcium intake is important though.
  • lisabinco
    lisabinco Posts: 1,016 Member
    You may have an intolerance to the protein or sugar in milk. It's quite common. If you do have problems with anything in milk, it will hinder your weight loss. If you don't, it won't make a difference.
    You won't know if you have an intolerance until you cut it out of your diet for at least a week. It does contain sugar (lactose) as well as fat.
  • PinkEnvyx
    PinkEnvyx Posts: 172
    I dont know for you but it did for me. I do know milk from a cow is by nature made to put on a massive amount of weight on thier young the first year. That has to say something about itno matter how much water they put in it.
  • Taneil27
    Taneil27 Posts: 253
    I appreciate all the replies. Thank you :flowerforyou:

    I don't think I could cut dairy out completely. I'm thinking I can just start cutting out the processed stuff, like cheese slices and laughing cow cheese. But I really do love my greek yogurt and cottage cheese. I only eat a half cup of each per day. Maybe I will avoid milk though, I know if I drink it in the morning my stomach hates me. But if I eat yogurt, I feel fine. It's strange! Maybe I will make a visit to my doctor and check for intolerance or food allergies.
  • Evyo
    Evyo Posts: 2 Member
    Wow, old post.... I've been struggling to lose weight lately,
    Trying to figure out something. I started watching a bunch
    Of videos and thought I'd give up dairy and see what happened.
    In 7 days I've lost 7 pounds without exercising. I think it's mostly
    Because %90 of the I healthy things I ate contained milk, think
    About it. Cookies, pizza, ice cream, lasagna. Sure there are milk
    Substitutes, but that isn't an option for me. I guess if you have
    Strong enough will power you can fit it in your macros, but I don't
    Even have to count calories and I actually have more energy.
    I'm gonna try it for a few months and see what happens when
    I start lifting again.
  • GingerLolita
    GingerLolita Posts: 738 Member
    I've recently cut out dairy, although for health reasons, not in an attempt to lose weight. I haven't had any results in terms of weight loss because I end up replacing the calories from dairy with calories from other food anyway, including dairy alternatives, other sources of protein, and more fruit to snack on.
  • Evyo
    Evyo Posts: 2 Member
    I pretty much cut out meat, my day goes something likeoatmeal
    with berries and a banana. Nuts and fruit around 9. Rice
    and beans or sweet potato fries at lunch with more fruit.
    Dinner might be chicken or fish with rice again. I eat a ton
    of unsalted nuts. I totally thought I'd be gaining weight from
    the volume I'm eating, but surprisingly it's the opposite. I think
    I'm eating too much rice cause I'm a little backed up. My sweet
    snack is Ezekiel raisin bread with all natural peanut butter. So
  • vickiticki26
    I found out I'm lactose intolerant about 3 weeks ago and so cut dairy out of my diet and I've lost a stone in those three weeks. But I had to do it for medical reasons aha.
  • mitchiejo
    mitchiejo Posts: 179 Member
    Actually I hardly ever ate dairy but now that I am trying to eat healthier I have string cheese, greek yogurt and cottage cheese almost everyday and have lost weight.
  • lisabinco
    lisabinco Posts: 1,016 Member
    Because I have to watch my sodium intake to stay off high blood pressure medication, I cut out diary almost 100% even though I love yogurt, cheese and especially cottage cheese. They're chock full of sodium. (I was never a milk drinker, however.) And yes, I lost more weight. I mostly do just fine with a wee bit of cheese now and then but it was hard at first. I did it gradually. I'm glad I did. I feel much better without it, and without all the excess water weight I had.
    Never taking medication again is worth way more than the opportunity to eat more cheese. It is, after all, animal product with cholesterol and saturated fat that I don't need.
    Good luck to your choices.