Not losing weight =(

Hi, I'm new on here cos I've been desperatley looking for something that could help me.

I'm 19 years old (female) 5ft11 and 13st 9 pounds.

I have, for the last month, been sticking to roughly 1300 calories a day, doing a functional training fitness class (50 mins) 3-4 times a week and walking a lot.

My first week I lost a pound taking me down to 13 and a half then the next week I had gained 2 pounds!!!! I put this down to water retention and my monthly cycle. Now weighing myself two weeks later I haven't lost any more. I haven't gained anything but it's staying the same.

How can a technically overweight person who is eating about 1300 cal a day and doing a fair amount of hard excersice have had a net weight gain over the month. I don't feel firmer so I don't even think I can put it down to muscle gain.

Really struggling with this. I always thought if I reached a point in my life where I was able to eat healthily and excercise I would lose weight. It's really disenheartening to find out this is not the case,

I didn't think it was possible not to lose weight like this?


  • I wouldn't be surprised at all if you aren't eating enough. I am part of a team that promotes a health challenge in Omaha, NE, and we do a calorie workup for people on the team with us that just uses basic nutrition math (BMR and HBE formulas). By accounting more accurately for your average level of activity and average eating a week at a time, we've had more success with it than just with mfp (though we still use mfp for tracking).

    I've seen many people move off plateau within a week, even a few that were stuck for 6 months or longer, just by having better information about where they should be eating and making small adjustments. Most of them aren't eating enough to fuel their bodies for weight loss. Further, some have found that though they aren't seeing pounds fall off, they are losing inches (building lean muscle). The workup also helps people understand that it isn't just about the number on the scale...its also about inches and body fat percentage.

    I'd be happy to get a workup to you if you'd like one, just message me your height, weight and age, or your BMR. Couldn't hurt, might help!

    I'll need an email address, too, because the workup is in Excel, and I haven't figured out how (if its possible) to attach anything to a message here. We use Excel because as you lose weight, your BMR will go down and the numbers will need to be adjusted to ensure continued success. The spreadsheet updates everything automatically once the BMR is updated.