


  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    Your diet is terrible..learn more about nutrition and you will get in tip tip top top shape!

    Ok so diet suggestions? I realize I eat the same thing everyday. Its easier to cook something with 5 servings every sunday for my lunches. Pretty much everything I make has at least 4 servings so I make something else for dinner for the week.

    If you are going to do this, then bake 6 servings of boneless, skinless chicken breast. Chicken is such a perfect food for cutting fat and building muscle. I marinade my chicken in Italian salad dressing or vinegarette for an hour or two, then bake in a 375 degree oven for 20-30 minutes (until 165-185 temp internally. I use a $2 thermometer from Wal Mart to check internal temp).

    Then wrap up your chicken for fridge or freezer. Use it on salads or sandwiches, dice it to add to soup or stir-fry, serve it whole with some whole grains like quinoa and steamed veggies. Dice chicken in the morning to add in to an omelet. Add to burritos or fajitas. It is just a super convenient food with something like 26 grams of protein for 4 oz. of chicken.

    To the food service proffesional in me, it sounds like you've had restaurant or catering expereince cause that how the pros do it!

    Yes, indeed! I used to work in food service at a grocery store deli that did a lot of catering orders. A person can learn a lot about fast, mass food production at a place like that.
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member

    I do eat a fair amount of chicken. I buy it in 10lb boxes. I tend to vary my meat from week to week between chicken, round steak and different kinds of pork. I realize pork is probably the worst for me, but can't live on just chicken.

    Unless you are eating cured pork (ham, bacon, sausage etc.) it is only marginally more fatty than chicken. Steak is probably the worst offender on you list.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    Your diet is terrible..learn more about nutrition and you will get in tip tip top top shape!

    Ok so diet suggestions? I realize I eat the same thing everyday. Its easier to cook something with 5 servings every sunday for my lunches. Pretty much everything I make has at least 4 servings so I make something else for dinner for the week.

    If you are going to do this, then bake 6 servings of boneless, skinless chicken breast. Chicken is such a perfect food for cutting fat and building muscle. I marinade my chicken in Italian salad dressing or vinegarette for an hour or two, then bake in a 375 degree oven for 20-30 minutes (until 165-185 temp internally. I use a $2 thermometer from Wal Mart to check internal temp).

    Then wrap up your chicken for fridge or freezer. Use it on salads or sandwiches, dice it to add to soup or stir-fry, serve it whole with some whole grains like quinoa and steamed veggies. Dice chicken in the morning to add in to an omelet. Add to burritos or fajitas. It is just a super convenient food with something like 26 grams of protein for 4 oz. of chicken.

    To the food service proffesional in me, it sounds like you've had restaurant or catering expereince cause that how the pros do it!

    Yes, indeed! I used to work in food service at a grocery store deli that did a lot of catering orders. A person can learn a lot about fast, mass food production at a place like that.

    Thought so!! Very nice!! You do learn to be very efficient and minimize waste of both food and time!! Great job!
  • mrsRhughes
    mrsRhughes Posts: 122
    I definitely think everything about weight loss is individual ... what works for someone might not work for someone else. You're looking for advice and help, so you're going to get a lot of suggestions from people that work for THEM, but may or may not be right for YOU! That being said, from looking at your diary I definitely think you would benefit from more fruits/veggies/lean protein. I try to make 3/4 of my "plate" at each meal be from fruits and vegetables. I also eat 2,000 calories a day (I workout 6-7 days a week - high cardio and strength training) and allow for an 80% / 20% combination ... usually 400 of my 2,000 calories are for snacks/treats ( a few glasses of red wine, dessert, peanut butter "spoons", whatever I want!) The other 1600 are usually "clean", healthy foods, which I really do enjoy! You can't deprive yourself, or it won't last! I'm also a Beachbody Coach and know of TONS of workout program that would help you tone what you want, but I don't like to "advertise" in the forums, so message me if you would like more info! Good luck with your goals!
  • jsukhan
    jsukhan Posts: 149 Member

    I do eat a fair amount of chicken. I buy it in 10lb boxes. I tend to vary my meat from week to week between chicken, round steak and different kinds of pork. I realize pork is probably the worst for me, but can't live on just chicken.

    Unless you are eating cured pork (ham, bacon, sausage etc.) it is only marginally more fatty than chicken. Steak is probably the worst offender on you list.

    Pork loin chops and pork shoulder blade steaks. From what I've seen from logging my recipies the pork has a higher calorie count than steak.
  • jsukhan
    jsukhan Posts: 149 Member
    I definitely think everything about weight loss is individual ... what works for someone might not work for someone else. You're looking for advice and help, so you're going to get a lot of suggestions from people that work for THEM, but may or may not be right for YOU! That being said, from looking at your diary I definitely think you would benefit from more fruits/veggies/lean protein. I try to make 3/4 of my "plate" at each meal be from fruits and vegetables. I also eat 2,000 calories a day (I workout 6-7 days a week - high cardio and strength training) and allow for an 80% / 20% combination ... usually 400 of my 2,000 calories are for snacks/treats ( a few glasses of red wine, dessert, peanut butter "spoons", whatever I want!) The other 1600 are usually "clean", healthy foods, which I really do enjoy! You can't deprive yourself, or it won't last! I'm also a Beachbody Coach and know of TONS of workout program that would help you tone what you want, but I don't like to "advertise" in the forums, so message me if you would like more info! Good luck with your goals!

    I try to eat 1700 to 1900 calories a day. I cant imagine eating much more, and can't afford to at present. My only "treat" is my two cookies. The rest I try to eat healthy. Less sodium and processed foods, but I think I'm doing good.
  • Huertamom
    Huertamom Posts: 7 Member
    Dude, you can borrow my eyes, so you can see what I see. Also, you are not the same person you were years ago. You might not even do the same things as then. You look hot. Seriously. Don't focus so much on the number of pounds you weigh, as on how healthy you are. Think positive. Surround yourself with happy people.
  • jsukhan
    jsukhan Posts: 149 Member
    Thank you very much for all your feed back, suggestions and advice . We all have our own goals and reasons for being here. I'm not anorexic I would hope that's obvious, and I wasn't fishing for compliments. People telling my I look fine doesn't change what I see in the mirror. I "try" to eat healthy, I exercise I work hard at doing to the right things and at times it feels like I'm beating a brick wall when I don't get results.
    Now I know I have to be acountable for what I do. I know I need to eat more from breakfast and when my finances change I will. I probablt need to eat more in general, but by the time I've had my evening snacks I'm full. Sometimes I don't even want my snacks (salad or sandwich) but I eat them to get in my calories. I need to cut down on my sodium so I'm slowly finding other options for sodium heavy things I cook with. Yes I do eat alot of the same things. As I've mentioned, I cook things with 4 or 5 servings.
    What works for one person may not work for everyone else, which is why I ask for advice. I got what I was looking for. I variety of suggestions to help me, and for that I'm grateful. Wish me luck.
  • MetilHed
    MetilHed Posts: 101 Member
    Do a Google images search for "adonis Belt" and you will see a lot of pictures of guys that have just what you are calling "love handles" but bigger (because they have more muscle). Most of those pics you wouldn't say the guy has love handles. As others have said, you've got the beginnings of an adonis belt.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    Thank you very much for all your feed back, suggestions and advice . We all have our own goals and reasons for being here. I'm not anorexic I would hope that's obvious, and I wasn't fishing for compliments. People telling my I look fine doesn't change what I see in the mirror. I "try" to eat healthy, I exercise I work hard at doing to the right things and at times it feels like I'm beating a brick wall when I don't get results.

    I totally get how you feel. You, though, are lean to the point of dimishing returns. We all some small area that is the hardest to get where we want it and may never get there. You've done a great job getting in shape and lean. This area just may never be where you consider it 100% perfect. As you can see the rest of us think it's fine. You might need to accept that and not obsess over it.