Weight of the Nation

sugarspicey Posts: 5
edited December 2024 in Food and Nutrition
How many of you have watched the HBO documentary series, the Weight of the Nation? What did you get out of it?

I was surprised at the part that said people who have lost weight will have to eat much less than their normal weight counterpart forever (like 20% less if you've lost 10% body weight!)

Also, I was shocked at how obesity just continues to rise and how we as a nation don't seem to do anything about it (like not allowing the government to subsidize corn to make into cow fodder and corn syrup, or not regulating the advertising of sugar cereals and candies to children).

What about you? What did you get out of it? If you haven't seen it, it's available to watch in its entirety for free at HBO.com.


  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
    I haven't seen it, but I disagree with the idea that the government needs to regulate it. Yes, people should be educated in order to make informed decision, but the decision is ultimately up to the individual. Just as I'd like to government to stay out of my birth control decisions, I'd also like it to stay out of my nutritional decisions.
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    I have yet to watch it...I'm hoping I can see it tomorrow night. It's not just cereals and fast food...it's the processed "diet" food that is also a HUGE culprit. Because people are tricked by the food and sometimes the fitness industry into believing it's good for you and therefore guilt free. "Diet" food with hydrogenated oil and artificial flavoring? I couldn't tell you how many ppl I see eating "health" food with artificial flavor. Since your body doesn't know what to do with the chemicals, it stores them in your fat cells! How is that healthy?? You may as well smoke a pack of Camels a day! And yet most protein shakes and powders, meal replacement shakes, protein bars have artificial flavors in them. We need to learn how to eat REAL food again! I'd much rather eat high fat real food such as butter over a Slimfast or Vi Shake with artificial flavoring and chemicals in it!
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    I haven't seen it, but I disagree with the idea that the government needs to regulate it. Yes, people should be educated in order to make informed decision, but the decision is ultimately up to the individual. Just as I'd like to government to stay out of my birth control decisions, I'd also like it to stay out of my nutritional decisions.

    I agree we shouldn't be regulated but I also think employers and healthcare companies should do more to get their clients fit. The bottom line is it's up to us to help others, which is why I'm gonna go to school and get certified to be a personal trainer. People need hope, guidance, encouragement and someone to snuff their excuses!
  • pg3ibew
    pg3ibew Posts: 1,026 Member
    Is it ON DEMAND om HBO? I am looking for it and can't find it.
  • AlabasterVerve
    AlabasterVerve Posts: 3,171 Member
    Is it ON DEMAND om HBO? I am looking for it and can't find it.
    Here's the online link, not sure if you can watch it on tv:


    I haven't watched it yet because I heard it's just more of the same conventional wisdom -- too much food/fat and not enough exercise -- but I still want to see it so thanks for the reminder.

  • rivka_m
    rivka_m Posts: 1,007 Member
    It's free to watch if you have Amazon Prime. I've only watched one episode (not much TV time lately).
  • Yieya
    Yieya Posts: 168 Member
    I haven't seen it, but I disagree with the idea that the government needs to regulate it. Yes, people should be educated in order to make informed decision, but the decision is ultimately up to the individual. Just as I'd like to government to stay out of my birth control decisions, I'd also like it to stay out of my nutritional decisions.

    ^^^ This... Government involvement usually doesn't make things better. It's about education and ultimately personal responsibility.
  • jynxxxed
    jynxxxed Posts: 1,010 Member
    It's on youtube as well, for free of course. :)
  • I find it interesting that you all think the government should have nothing to do with this topic of obesity considering the government ALREADY does! The reason corn syrup is in EVERYTHING is because our government (AKA our taxes) subsidizes corn to be a cheap form of commodity food and beef fodder.

    If we stopped using our taxes to fund field corn that alone would make fast food more expensive and would change people's eating behaviors. People buy cheap food. If it were cheaper to eat an apple than a burger they would! Stop kidding yourself that the governemetn ISN'T already involved. They are complicit in helping the food companies every step of the way. The government is not just nonchalantly standing back and shrugging their shoulders, they are ACTIVELY making the problem worse by helping the food industry through these subsidies and lack of any regulation. This results in huge portion sizes, virtually no fruits or vegetables, kids as young as 7 or 8 with Type 2 diabetes, people living shorter and less fulfilling lives than ever before all because making us eat as much as possible is what makes the food industry and the diet industry more money!

    You definitely should watch The Weight of the Nation. We didn't get to a nation of 70% fat people in less than 30 years just because of people's so-called "choices". A whole perfect storm was brewed up that has made the food industry, diet industry, medical industry, farmers and others really rich at a very steep cost to our health and longevity and even national strength. Especially to our next generation -the unwitting kids.
  • fittocycle
    fittocycle Posts: 827 Member
    Well said!
  • Casey45
    Casey45 Posts: 160 Member
    I haven't seen it, but I disagree with the idea that the government needs to regulate it. Yes, people should be educated in order to make informed decision, but the decision is ultimately up to the individual. Just as I'd like to government to stay out of my birth control decisions, I'd also like it to stay out of my nutritional decisions.

    ^^^ This... Government involvement usually doesn't make things better. It's about education and ultimately personal responsibility.

    So let's be sure and not regulate food industry at the same time that we continue to cut funding for public schools.... So kids have no or very limited exposure to physical education which is way more than playing sports if done right it includes health education.

    Yep it is about education, but how can we say no to regulating deep pocket corporations in the food industry, tell everybody it's about education and personal responsibility and then underfund schools?
  • Casey45
    Casey45 Posts: 160 Member
    I find it interesting that you all think the government should have nothing to do with this topic of obesity considering the government ALREADY does! The reason corn syrup is in EVERYTHING is because our government (AKA our taxes) subsidizes corn to be a cheap form of commodity food and beef fodder.

    If we stopped using our taxes to fund field corn that alone would make fast food more expensive and would change people's eating behaviors. People buy cheap food. If it were cheaper to eat an apple than a burger they would! Stop kidding yourself that the governemetn ISN'T already involved. They are complicit in helping the food companies every step of the way. The government is not just nonchalantly standing back and shrugging their shoulders, they are ACTIVELY making the problem worse by helping the food industry through these subsidies and lack of any regulation. This results in huge portion sizes, virtually no fruits or vegetables, kids as young as 7 or 8 with Type 2 diabetes, people living shorter and less fulfilling lives than ever before all because making us eat as much as possible is what makes the food industry and the diet industry more money!

    You definitely should watch The Weight of the Nation. We didn't get to a nation of 70% fat people in less than 30 years just because of people's so-called "choices". A whole perfect storm was brewed up that has made the food industry, diet industry, medical industry, farmers and others really rich at a very steep cost to our health and longevity and even national strength. Especially to our next generation -the unwitting kids.

    Yep. Except that more often than not, farmers in reality are not the connotation the word brings to mind. Am thinking of the poultry farmers interviewed in Food Inc. (documentary available to view for free online at a free documentary website, can't remember the name, google it if you want to see it). "real" farmers are struggling to compete with the cheap stuff grown thousands of miles away, shipped to the real farmers' grocery store and sold for less than the local farmer can manage profitably for self, family and business. Issues address in Weight of the Nation.
  • I haven't seen it, but I disagree with the idea that the government needs to regulate it. Yes, people should be educated in order to make informed decision, but the decision is ultimately up to the individual. Just as I'd like to government to stay out of my birth control decisions, I'd also like it to stay out of my nutritional decisions.

    I know people get crazy on here... so this is not an attack. But check out the documentaries, and do a little more research. The government is already making your nutritional decisions for you.
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