how do you motivate yourself?

How do YOU motivate yourself?? what kinds of things help you love MFP or yourself even more, please let me know?


  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,358 Member
    When I first started all this the things that motivated me were looking in the mirror and being honest with myself. The more honest I could be outloud with myself the better it was on me. Quotes I'd find either online or friends posting them on facebook. One quote comes to mind that is my main source of motivation that really kicked me into gear "There's a different between interest and commitment. When you are interested in doing something, you do it only when it's convenient. When you are committed to something, you accept no excuses; only results."

    Now I find most my motivation coming from others. When they tell me I inspire them or keep them motivated, that makes me feel like I can't give up now, I have come to far and to many people are depending on me.

    I believe that in order to change ourselves we have to love ourselves enough to change ourselves. So the day I screamed at myself and said I hated myself was the day I was able to find 1 thing about myself that I loved and focus on that till I could find other things. Which at first was my eyes. I made an appoint to dress my eyes up and make them pop. Right now I am loving my waist line and I have never in my life loved that so I make sure to wear things to show it off.

    I love coming to MFP for my friends really, they keep me going. I have some of the greatest friends!
  • Pinkigloopyxie
    I explore the new parts of my body I never knew I had. And I keep thinking how I've been doing the same thing for 25years straight.

    Being skinny won't change everything. It won't magically make me know how to socialize properly or turn into a pretty feminine chick or cure my life long problems with interacting with humans. It won't make me be able to fly and do triple back flips.

    But it feels like I could. Every pound lost is a pound of confidence gained, or something like that. Not having to be so self conscious and self hating and judging myself in people's eyes without giving them a chance.

    That said, most people are so freaking crazy and I'll never understand most of human behavior, but I can shrug it off better.

    And maybe I will learn how to do a triple backflip.... on a trampoline.