<----- negative Nancy right here!



  • Birdie
    Birdie Posts: 256 Member
    I have 100 to go too, and it's a big scary number. But in the past I would lose a few pounds get frustrated and stop tracking/measuring my food, and end up bigger than I was before. Yes I look at calanders and dream about how if I lost 2lbs a week I would be slimmer by next summer. But it took me 20 years to get this big so I don't expect to lose it so quickly. So for now I make sure I track my food intake everyday. And I weight in everyday. That way I know if I had a bad day yesterday I can work on fixing it today. And I view every loss a victory. Even if it's only .05 and not the 2lbs I wanted. As long as the number is not going up I am happy. Eventually we will get there. *also if I screw up I don't trash the whole day. In the past if I went out and I know I ate badly I would say "I'll start again tomorrow" and then the rest of the day I would eat junk. Now if I know I was bad I cut my losses right there and if I am still hungry even though I know I am over my calorie limit I will still try to make a better choice and maybe have a healthy snack instead of reaching for the stuff I know I shouldn't have. Hang in there!
  • nikkiharbor1
    It's about the journey, not the destination. If you want to lose the weight quickly, you can easily have bariatric surgery. But you most likey will not learn proper nutrition & exercise. There is a lot of information to process & learn and only time, dedication and hard work will provide you with this. It's a conscious choice to make a lifestyle change in that you will become in complete control of every facet in your life. The physical aspect is just the surface. The real healing is on the inside and what matters most.

    Edited for typo

    THIS IS SO TRUE! The journey is so worth it! The road is full of peaks and valleys but once you get to the destination with the knowledge of how to navigate those peaks and valleys...you'll be equipped to keep the weight off.

    P.S. I know how you feel because I have been there too and even with ten pounds to go, there are still days when I think these last pounds will never come off. But they will! Good luck to you!
  • mela216r
    mela216r Posts: 23
    Here is what helps me: visualize your weight loss in terms of STICKS OF BUTTER. Every 1/4 pound is a stick of butter. Honey, you have already lost 12 sticks of butter! Isn't that impressive (ok, and kinda funny and disgusting, all at once)?! Now you can see that even a little progress equates to something significant. Hang in there...you are worth it and it WILL happen.
  • mcrowe1016
    mcrowe1016 Posts: 647 Member
    Uh... you just started... and being as it is only Aug 23rd that means its been about 3 weeks, and 3 pounds in 3 weeks is NOTHING to even whine about. You are obviously looking at the big picture... and don't count on 10 pounds per month, because if you don't make it you will be horribly disappointed.

    Suck it up princess, pull up those big girl panties or don't that is your call... but quit whining about 3 pounds in 3 weeks.
    A princess how lovely! And actually it was in a week. Just so you know, I usually get part way thru get discouraged and quit. Probably my 8th time trying. Oh but your lovely words of encouragement will push me thru for sure-not! You should start your own negative Nancy club. P.s. when you're as big as me, a few pounds in the first few weeks each week is normal. You have 15 to lose. So go wouldnt know!

    Looking for support....gets mad when not everyone tells her how awesome she is :huh:
  • viad25720
    viad25720 Posts: 57 Member
    It is fairly clear to me you are just bitter and have nothing better to do on here. I was sharing a FEELING I was experiencing thinking about needing to lose 100 pounds. I guess this isn't a community where you can do that, or you missed the memo?

    To everyone else, I am glad to know I am not the only one who feels its daunting number wise having to lose 100 pounds! It's a big number, especially when you've just started. I feel pretty good with the help of the MOSTLY positive people on here that I have much better support and confident that if there is ever a time to really make it to my goal this is it! I love the success stories they do help!

    P.S. Oh, and I know 3 pounds in a week is good, but I ate well and exercised and did it all right. Not my fault if you're not having same results, our bodies are all different, and I'd never fault you on that so don't fault me.....i.o.w......BUZZ OFF LADY!
  • leanne9876
    leanne9876 Posts: 301 Member
    Okay so I hate to whine but I just need to get this off my chest. I hate that this takes so loooooong! I know i know time, pay off in the end, anything worth having is worth working for-agreed! I just have 100 pounds to lose, am sick of being huge and would love an overnight miracle (as we all would) no I'm not going to stop, or break down and go clear my fridge at this moment, I just needed to vent that even 10 pounds a month will take me until next summer! It feels so long and discouraging! I hope I'm not the only one who feels like this!

    I am proud of myself for starting and doing as good as I am, is love just a peek at the end result to hold me over though please!:bigsmile:

    I feel exactly the same way, I have lost some weight and I am feeling a bit smaller but every time I look in the mirror and see this big fat thing it makes me upset I'm doing everything right and I am seeing results on the scales, I just wish the mirror would reflect how I feel. I know it's my fault for letting myself get this big in the first place but I'm getting upset by the way my body looks.
  • dfair1967
    What folks don't realize most of us did not put this weight on overnight or is it going to come back off as soon. Have patience and determination and you will get there.
  • reneelee
    reneelee Posts: 877 Member
    Uh... you just started... and being as it is only Aug 23rd that means its been about 3 weeks, and 3 pounds in 3 weeks is NOTHING to even whine about. You are obviously looking at the big picture... and don't count on 10 pounds per month, because if you don't make it you will be horribly disappointed.

    Suck it up princess, pull up those big girl panties or don't that is your call... but quit whining about 3 pounds in 3 weeks.
    A princess how lovely! And actually it was in a week. Just so you know, I usually get part way thru get discouraged and quit. Probably my 8th time trying. Oh but your lovely words of encouragement will push me thru for sure-not! You should start your own negative Nancy club. P.s. when you're as big as me, a few pounds in the first few weeks each week is normal. You have 15 to lose. So go wouldnt know!
    ACTUALLY... I am 4'9 and weigh 208pounds, started at 218... so I actually have a bout 100 - 110 pounds to lose, I chose to set my ticker at 5 pounds and change it at every 5 pounds so I do not get frustrated and quit... one look at my profile would tell you I have been at this for 2 years and just seriously started losing weight this past may... so before you judge maybe you should think.

    Yes my ticker says I have 15 pounds to lose and when I hit 205 it will say I have 20 to lose.

    I just hate whiny babies.. 3 pounds in one week OMG you are so gonna be here forever... yeah... good luck I am guessing you wont stick to it this time either.

    ETA: And yes I am a princess thank you for taking notice...

    The trouble with most of us is that we would rather be ruined by praise than saved by criticism.~NVP
  • ashleylovesbuddy
    I so agree with you. I feel so blah right about now. I try to make it fun tho. Instead of usually working out on the elliptcal I'll play Just Dance, or turn up the radio and dance while i clean or do laundry. Just try to think about how proud you'll feel when you do reach your goal. Were all with you. You can do it!
  • icimani
    icimani Posts: 1,454 Member
    I hear you!

    It's a marathon, not a sprint.
    You're in it for the long haul.
    It's a change in lifestye, not just a 'diet'.
    blah, blah, blah

    Iv'e already lost a lot, but I still have along way to go. I make smaller goals too and that helps, but it's still damn frustrating!