arm exercise ideas! Please!?

hello! So I used to be a cheerleader, I was a main base when it came to stunting. One day I was helping a flyer practice what we called, a full down, out of a stunt and instead of ridding the pop she tried to jump out. In result she messed up my wrist. The trainer told me there was nothing wrong with my wrist and to suck it up. A year later I went to the doctors because it was still hurting JUST as bad as day one. He told me I have "fork arm" which he said was when you break something and let it heal on it's own and it heals wrong and the bones kind of make a fork look split. He said I could live with it that it wasn't major, I might have pains but the only way to fix it was to re-break my wrist and then operate on it. I picked just to live with it.

with that, doing things like push ups really hurt and I was wondering if anyone knew of any other exercises I could do that would work on the arms, and the upper back area I guess is the words I'm lookin for. I do keep it wrapped when I do work outs, weights don't bother it as much but push ups kill it for some reason. Thanks for your help!