I give up!!

Just started this 2 weeks ago and thought it would be good as I have heard so many great things about it...Years of neglecting my diet has totally buggered up my metabolism I am sure this is where the problems lie...I can eat nothing and lose maybe 2 pounds at the most ..as soon as I eat normally the very next day a pound is straight back on...after years of this misery I decided to do it properly and healthy...I am on 1200 calories a day and have been logging my food in every day for the last 2 weeks the first week I went on holiday and was very careful but still weighed the same when I came back so I wasnt too dissapointed however the last few days I have started to put on weight I feel like giving up nothing seems to work no matter what I do..Has this happened to anyone else should I stick with it or could it be I am having to many calories in a day should I cut back I only want to lose 7 pounds...but it seems no matter what I do they wont budge..Also would like to say I am always slightly under and when I had ate nearly 1200 I wake up and find I have put on a pound????????? I have been so strict and havent cheated totally confused anyone out there with any answers?


  • iBetYouDontBelieveMe
    I know mine make me put on like 5 pounds for no reason.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    you need to keep going for waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay longer than 2 weeks...
  • RockaholicMama
    RockaholicMama Posts: 786 Member
    you need to keep going for waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay longer than 2 weeks...

  • scorpiotwinkles
    scorpiotwinkles Posts: 215 Member
    Don't weigh yourself every day. Give your body a chance. If you give up now you will have to start again and again, keep at it and you will make your goal sooner. Don't weigh yourself every day (!) Good luck.
  • mirandamayhem
    You will get lots of advice here. I'm not going to offer any because I feel I'm still learning. But don't despair! xxx
  • girl_afraid82
    girl_afraid82 Posts: 178 Member
    If you're only on 1200, that is definitely NOT too many. I'd advise finding a BMR calculator online, working out what your BMR is (which is the number of calories your body needs to survive in a coma) and never eat below that amount. You need to give your body enough fuel to run... stoke the furnace and it'll burn more!

    And give it a lot longer than 2 weeks! Your weight can fluctuate throughout the month for loads of different reasons. You need to give your body time to get used to your new regime. My weight has always fluctuated about, but I've been doing this for nine months now and it's been a downward trend all the way, despite the blips. It may not come off as fast as you'd like (I'd hoped to be at my goal by now!) but it will come off, and stay off if you have patience and don't give up at the first hurdle.
  • fannytoot
    fannytoot Posts: 87 Member
    But if I am starting to put on weight does this mean its not going to work?
  • NeverGivesUp
    NeverGivesUp Posts: 960 Member
    Stop weighing every day. That number doesn't define who you are and do it the right way. When you are down to your last 7lbs that is the hardest to lose. You will keep gaining if you give up. Diet and exercise is the only way. 2 weeks is not nearly enough time to see any results anyway. Slow and steady persistence is the name of the game.
  • Fozzi43
    Fozzi43 Posts: 2,984 Member
    I only have 4 pounds to lose and am finding the same thing is happening to me. The last bit of weight is always the hardest to one off.

    Last year I went through a bad time and lost loads of weight by eating VERY little with NO exercise....try to do it properly and it just doesn't shift??

    I know how you feel :flowerforyou:
  • charl2712
    charl2712 Posts: 38 Member
    Same thing happened to me! First 2 weeks on here I was on 1200cals and was working out 3-4 times a week for like 90 minutes each session. I lost like 10lbs in the first 2 weeks and then all of a sudden the weightloss just stopped, but I actually then put 3 lbs, even though I was still eating 1200cals. I felt like iving up. Actually I did kind of give me, didn't go to the gym for a week, but realised from other peoples' comments on here for similar things, it seems my body might have gone into starvation mode. So I upped my calories to my BMR which is around 1400 cals and realised that weightloss is a slow process, I can't rush it. So now I've changed my plan to eating 1400 cals and working out for an hour 3-4 times a week instead. Without exercising and just upping my calories, my weight has gone back down and I feel loads better, have more energy and don't feel head achey like I did on 1200 cals. So hope this helps.
  • ChristineDiet
    ChristineDiet Posts: 719 Member
    Your probably not eating enough - when people go on a 1200 diet, they end up eating under to be 'under their daily calorie goal' but then you are eating way too less. Even trying to up it to1300 so you 'are' eating a 'minimum' of 1200. I found that helped me. drink tons of water too. Also the reason why you might be heavier is because you are building up some muscle or and probably most likely are retaining water, if you are exercising and not eating much your body will hold onto water to protect your muscles and also to rehydrate you etc - it's probably just water weight.

    My weight can go up and down 7lbs in a week, I weigh every ay I know I shouldn't but I'm hoping to see a pattern of some sorts (so far none) but I only log my weight once a week.

    You need to measure and also see how your clothes are fitting. If you only 7lbs left to lose you may not actually lose that weight but lose the weight in inches etc.

    good luck. x
  • girl_afraid82
    girl_afraid82 Posts: 178 Member
    But if I am starting to put on weight does this mean its not going to work?

    Not at all!
    Put it this way... I have put on 2lbs this month. Does this mean I should give up and quit the whole thing because it's not working? That would be a total waste.

    Keep going... if you're honest about your logging, stick to your goals and work out, it'll come off.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    But if I am starting to put on weight does this mean its not going to work?

    you're not 'putting on weight' your weight is fluctuating.

    i would suggest you change your calorie goal to losing 1/2lb per week, as you only have 7 to lose, and then get yourself a decent strength training routine. and be patient! do this for at least 6 weeks to see if you get results!
  • NeverGivesUp
    NeverGivesUp Posts: 960 Member
    oh and you need to take care of your body for life, there is no quitting involved unless you want to keep putting on the 7lbs and eventually more. Nip it in the butt now, form good habits at this very moment when you only have 7lbs to lose, then you will never have a problem with your weight once you get older.
  • Frood42
    Frood42 Posts: 245 Member
    set to 0.5 lbs per week come back to the forums in 6 months to say not working you will get better responses mfp is long haul
  • fannytoot
    fannytoot Posts: 87 Member
    OK sorry to bug you people but I am so dissapointed because I thought with me just starting to use this I would lose weight straight away I am eating 1200 and its the most I have probably eaten in years reguarly so I am panicking that I am eating too much after years of an eating disorder behind me this is such a big thing...Can anyone tell me how to work out my BMR ?
  • Kalynx
    Kalynx Posts: 707 Member
    If you were on vacation, chances are you gained a lot from water retention, too. Its very hard to eat natural foods on vacation without tons of sodium unless you are aware of how it all works. I also agree with above posters re: not eating enough. You don't want to burn muscle and only burn fat! Natural fats are necessary to help nutrients reshape, mend, and create an even more awesome you!

    I just posted this to one of my MFP's tonight via blog, so your subject line caught my eye. Best of luck!! :flowerforyou:


    Posted on 08/23/2012 by Kalynx
    10. You're so close to 200 lbs!!
    9. Hot Before and After shots (naked!!) LOL
    8. You're a pretty girl no matter what, but when you're healthy you're a rock star!!
    7. If it were easy EVERYONE would be as awesome as you are!
    6. What would Oprah do?
    5. Vacation is near, you want to show off to your family and take a break - work hard this week so you can do that!
    4. Chocolate, cheese and butter!! 'nuff said!
    3. Girl, you know better...JUST DO IT!!
    2. Lists are HOT!
    1. If I can do this so can you!! To steal from a new friend - Suck it up buttercup!! :)
  • HappyStack
    HappyStack Posts: 802 Member
    I always despair when folks talk about losing 1lb/2lb or gaining 1lb/2lb. Everyone's weight fluctuates about twice that much, give or take, every single day... the difference between thinking you've gained or lost a pound could be as simple as stepping on the scales an hour later than usual.

    I gain at least one kilo (2.2lbs) - usually two - every single day, but by the morning (when I usually weigh myself, before breakfast) I'm back to my usual weight. That kilo or two is the difference between my BMI reading 'normal weight' and 'obese,' yet my fitness has never been better and I actually look forward to cooking healthy meals.

    Even if you're not seeing a change on the scale, remember that you're starting to make positive changes in your life that will persist and eventually result in the losses & fitness goals you want and deserve.
  • mirandamayhem
    set to 0.5 lbs per week come back to the forums in 6 months to say not working you will get better responses mfp is long haul

    This. I've messed up my body over the last 20 years, it's not going to come good overnight for me. I anticipate at least a year to get to my goal. IT might be longer. But in it's simplest form, if you eat fewer calories, you WILL lose weight, you cannot gain from eating too few calories. But fluid etc might cause fluctuations.
  • lisamerrison
    lisamerrison Posts: 90 Member
    Your probably not eating enough - when people go on a 1200 diet, they end up eating under to be 'under their daily calorie goal' but then you are eating way too less. Even trying to up it to1300 so you 'are' eating a 'minimum' of 1200. I found that helped me. drink tons of water too. Also the reason why you might be heavier is because you are building up some muscle or and probably most likely are retaining water, if you are exercising and not eating much your body will hold onto water to protect your muscles and also to rehydrate you etc - it's probably just water weight.

    My weight can go up and down 7lbs in a week, I weigh every ay I know I shouldn't but I'm hoping to see a pattern of some sorts (so far none) but I only log my weight once a week.

    You need to measure and also see how your clothes are fitting. If you only 7lbs left to lose you may not actually lose that weight but lose the weight in inches etc.

    good luck. x

    I agree. I have been dieting all my life! I started this a few weeks ago. I was on 1200 calories per day. I lost 2lb in the first week and was disappointed because I normally lose a lot in the first week. I went on hols and put on 1lb - not to bad. This week I have increased my calories to 1640 per day and have cut my exercise back from twice a day to 3 times this week and I have still lost 2lb. So maybe you should try uping your calories as your body may have put you in starvation mode. I checked my BMR (basic metabolic rate, as someone said early the calories you need in rest/coma status) and TDEE (total daily energy expenditure, how many calories you need to do your normal daily routine) after advice from one of the members on this site.

