Calories burned running: is speed a factor at all?



  • LiveEnjoyEndure
    LiveEnjoyEndure Posts: 98 Member
    This is one of the most intese threads I have read in a long time! Physics does not answer biology questions.

    The issues are VERY complex indeed. At the end of the day all variables taken into account calories are a measure of energy. Our bodies burn energy based on the activity we do. The more vigorous, the more energy we burn. Muscles burn the most energy in the least amount of time. Therefore the more muscles you use the more calories (energy) you will metabolism (burn).

    The length of the cardio will make a difference, so the longer you workout the more energy you will use.

    The type of exercise will effect the calories you use vis-a-vis cardio vs strength. Cardio will use more calories because you are not just using you skeletal muscles, but also your respiratory and cardio vascular system (intensely). Ironically many people cycle and run like they are doing a strength workout (low cadence). Which does not use the cardio vascular system in an intense way.

    Your running form (efficiency) will also effect the calories you burn. Do I nee to spell it out?

    Prior activity will effect the process of metablism, that is, do you have stores of glycogen in muscles and liver, or does your body need to metabolise lipids to generate energy. Also the contents of your stomach, when you last ate and what nutrients you take on board in what form will also effect metabolism and calories burnt.
  • rkr22401
    rkr22401 Posts: 216 Member
    I don't disagree at all. For the record, I never said running and walking burn the same number of calories. Of course running burns more calories than walking. I was simply saying this is not some violation of the laws of physics. There are perfectly reasonable explanations why this is the case.

    Everything you just explained is related to the physics of how the body uses energy. Physics is simply why the universe (including our bodies) behaves in the way it does. It is true the factors are too complex to boil down to an equation.
  • Well the more you weigh the more calories you burn. Just last night I did 30 mins of interval training on treadmill. High speed was 4.5 which is basically running for me and high incline was 7 -since I am 5'2 and when I was finished I had been on treadmil for 30mins 30 sec and burned 204 calories and went 1.47 miles.

    Most time I do max speed about 3 with incline of 5 and if I do for 20mins I will burn about 122 cals

    To answer I think yes....Because you are going to get your heart rate up unlike just walking keeping your heart rate normal
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