Anyone out there have the fitbit? - NEED HELP

Hello all. I recently purchased the fitbit last week, and I am wearing it all the time (even when sleeping). I sync it to my MFP, and i'm not quite sure how to read it to its full advantage. Last night, I was very active - I went to kickboxing for an hour. I manually imputed the start and finish time in MFP - and it gave me the appropriate calories burned. My fitbit also added about 300 extra calories burned called the "fitbit adjustment". I'm really trying to lose weight, i'm motivated, and I eat my 1200 calories a day (and if I exercise heavily, I eat a little over, if I have the calories to use). Can anyone help me with this issue? I have read several of the blogs and stuff on the Internet, and I do not fully understand what they are talking about. Such as "net calorie" "fitbit adjustment" ect. Any help would be greatly appreciated.



  • chell2007
    chell2007 Posts: 3 Member
    I just recently purchased one myself and I believe I have it figured out. You should be eating your calorie goal set by MFP, plus any exercise calories, because the calorie goal set by MFP is already below your maintenance level of calories. If you exercise and don't eat them back, it's further reducing your calorie intake. For example: If your calorie level to maintain your weight is 2200 calories a day and you tell MFP that you want to lose a pound a week, it will reduce the maint. calorie levle by 1000 a day, thereby setting your daily calorie goal at 1200. So, if you eat the 1200 calories, but then exercise burning 600 calories and don't eat them back, you are Netting 600 calories for the day....not good. So, you should be "netting" your 1200 calories a day. That's one part of the question.

    Secondly, by using the fitbit, it more accurately determines your daily level of calories that you burn each day, so the adjustment is to get your calories you are eating in line with how many calories you burn in a day. Back to the previous example, if MFP thinks your maintenance level of calories is 2200, but by wearing your fitbit, it determines that you actually burned 2500 calories that day. It will give you an adjustment of 300 (2500-2200) calories to eat on MFP to account for the extra calorie burn. (Almost like eating exercise calories back). This adjustment will most likely be different each day based on your activity levels.
  • Oh my gosh, I think I finally understand!! Thank you thank you thank you!!! I deleted the fitbit adjustment, thinking that it wasn't supposed to be there, haha. But I need to be eating a net worth of my 1200 calories. Thanks for explaining it to me in simple terms!
  • chell2007
    chell2007 Posts: 3 Member
    Glad I could help. I read a bunch of stuff before getting the fitbit and was confused, but it all clicked after wearing it for a week :)
  • LottieLou13
    LottieLou13 Posts: 574 Member
    Just wanted to add - if you are using the Fitbit and allowing it to auto update to MFP - then don't also log the exercise manually on here. Otherwise you may be double counting them. Just allow the Fitbit to do it thing and add the extra calories for you :smile:

    Oh and come join the Fitbit group...