Hello, World!

Hello everyone, my name is Matt, but I've coined the nickname: OneFatDad after my 5 year old pointed out that Daddy, is fat.

I'm 28 years old, have 2 kids (5 and 8 months), and ever since high school I've been a larger guy. I've at most been 375-380, but currently sit at 350. Over the past 3-4 years I've fluctuated between 375 and 240, but I've always gone about it the wrong way. I hope through interaction with likeminded people and peers with similar situations, I can motivate myself and teach myself to take it off the right way.

Social media is a HUGE motivator for me, and so I'm taking my journey online. I've created a Blog, Youtube Channel, and Twitter, and I hope to use all 3 to not only motivate myself, but also help motivate others. I won't post links, as I don't want this to be seen as some cheesey way to get viewers. Just mentioning them as part of my "story".

My biggest drive in all of this? Show my kids a healthy way to eat, and how to stay active. Neither of them are fat like daddy, thankfully, but how can I expect them to make the right decisions on food and exercise in life, if I don't follow what I tell them.

I hope to become a common name around here on my journey, and I can't wait to take it with you all.


    DRNESTER Posts: 32
    Welcome!!! Kids are so funny. Im sure you will find what youre looking for on here! I LOVE it!! My husband just got into it as well....feel free to add both of us. my husbands username is ESNESTER. =) Im on here a ton so only add me if thats what youre looking for....Good luck and Im sure you will do GREAT!!! Just have to apply yourself...
  • BryGuy2
    BryGuy2 Posts: 244
    Hey there Matt, welcome! Looks like you have a lot of motivation already, but I would love to offer some more motivation and support! Feel free to add me as a friend.
    DRNESTER Posts: 32

    This is a blog like to what is working for me!!! =) If you want to check it out...probably all stuff that you've heard of before
  • OneFatDad
    Thanks you guys! I've added both of you as friends, and look forward to watching your journeys as I embark on my own.
  • yummymummy65
    yummymummy65 Posts: 86 Member
    Hi Matt, welcome to MFP.

    I used to be a Fat Mummy. My daughter, who's 12 now, used to tell me that she couldn't wrap her arms around my waist because I was soooooo FAT. But that's not the case anymore. :)

    You're definitely in the right place. I love MFP to track my calories, my workouts and to meet new people who are a wealth of information and support.

    Feel free to add me as a friend. One certainly can't have too many supportive friends.