Why Weight Watchers Didn't Work for Me!



  • jenluvsushi
    jenluvsushi Posts: 933 Member
    I was a WW person for years....I lost some but nothing like since joining MFP. Although they claim to be pro whole foods, it's kinda hard to believe it when they are pimping every low calorie pre packaged snack at their meetings as well as the other processed food they endorse. Sometimes, not all calories are created equal and whoever wants to argue about that can bite me....what I do know is while on WW, I had the highest cholesterol of my life and I ate much less animal products then than I do today. I weighed quite a bit less than I do now too. I did cardio then too so I know it is not totally from exercise alone although now I am much more into lifting heavy over cardio. Eating 100 calorie packs of fake food filled with trace amounts of trans fat is just bad....period. end. I did it a lot...because it fit into my points allowance. I never considered sodium, fat or most importantly---protein! If WW works for you, great....I am so glad I found MFP and that I don’t have to figure out the new points+ system..lol!
  • Raylea00
    Raylea00 Posts: 37
    I was on Weight Watchers for several years. The first time around, I had good results losing about 35 pounds and then I got stuck in a rut and gave up. I went back and as I was starting to see results again, they changed to the new Points Plus system. I stopped seeing results immediately and got discouraged. I started MFP several months ago and didn't stick with it because I mentally was not there, which I feel any lifestyle change will not work if your heart isn't into it. So now I am back, mentally prepared, and hope to get all the amazing results I have seen people get from this site and develop encouraging and positive friendships all of which will inspire me with my goals. Good luck to all and please feel free to add me as a friend! :)
  • Angie_1991
    Angie_1991 Posts: 447 Member
    I also did WW. This is much better! Congrats!!!!
  • specialemy
    specialemy Posts: 141 Member
    I had joined Weight Watchers at 4 separate times, and I was the same as you, obsessing about not going over my points and not caring was it was that I ate. It's great that you have a more positive experience in tracking your food on here and plus it's free, here's to wishing you great success!
  • tvanhooser
    tvanhooser Posts: 326 Member
    Every lab result letter I get from my doctor recommends losing weight (which I finally got motivated enough to pay attention too...another story) by joining Weight Watchers. Never mind that paying out for anything like that no matter how good it may be just ain't in the budget cards....I just can't see or justify to myself paying someone else money to do something for me that I should be able to do for myself through discipline, exercise (no matter how much I hate it!) and healthier food choices. I'm nearly halfway (57.3 down) to my goal (114 down) and over half of that (about 29 down) is just since May when I got serious about this and joined MFP in early June. So I am a big fan of doing this myself with my support buddies from church than throwing money down a hole that may or may not actually work....especially since I know how to plan lifestyle diets, my husband being diabetic and all! Took the nutrition class, still have the notes and materials so I have no excuse not to apply it to myself!
  • mesdancer
    The Weight Watchers meeting I went to focused a lot on nutrition - She had been a leader for 30 years and was great at her job!

    However, I did not like paying for it and it was too much about the scale. I would always quit because I couldn't afford to keep paying for it.
  • LovelyLibra79
    LovelyLibra79 Posts: 569 Member
    I have a different story..
    I just joined WW ls monday..went to weigh in and lost 6.6 lbs in one week! AMAZING!
    I've logged on MFP faithfully for 245 days! I've lost 29lbs using MFP and exercise but stalled and even gained 4 lbs in the past 2 months. I needed something different , so i followed my friend's advice and joined WW.
    I can't believe MFP for my 4lb gain + stall and I'm not saying WW is a miracle..it's as simple as "different strokes for different folks", not to mention dieting is a rollercoaster..it's up and down at times.
    There's nothing wrong with using more than one system to help you achieve your goal. I am still using MFP with WW etools and I log in both..yes its time consuming but they both offer different options.
  • FluffyToFab
    FluffyToFab Posts: 99 Member
    WW didn't work for me.. I also felt starved and was only allowed 26pts..

    This is only my second day.. I'm a mother to six (9,7,6,4, and 2 year old twins). I started my weight loss journey at the beginning of the year and got off track.. got back on track at the beginning of August and then found this site! I can say in just two days I have found great motivation and even greater inspiration.. If you (anyone) don't mind a lot of updating and lots of encouragement feel free to add me!!

    Today for example.. I wanted a cupcake.. I mean really wanted one.. There are 4 sitting on my counter top in the kitchen.. With just a few comments on my "Tell me not to eat that cupcake" post I was able to not eat it! There are still 4 cupcakes in my kitchen.. Not eating a cupcake is huge for me as 1)I was really sick today and just wanted some comfort food and 2) It's TOM for me and chocolate is what I WANTED! But I resisted all thanks to my new huge circle of friends I made!
  • sherri321
    I am on WW now. I was stalled in my progress. Instead of losing, I have been merely maintaining for most of this year--pretty much since they lowered the minimum points plus daily total from 29 to 26. Not all WW fault though. I was getting lax with tracking points. One thing to keep in mind about the WW point values is that carbs, fat, fiber, and protein are all taken into consideration when assigning points plus value.
    I like MFP because I can see where I am at in all those areas for the day--not just if I ate more than my allotted 26 points. I have been tracking on here for I think about a month. I started so that I could see just how many calories my 26 points were and to see that I am getting the right amount of carbs, fiber, etc.