Low HDL cholesterol

I recently had a blood test and was surprised to find my HDL is lingering on the low side. I did a search of this forum and many of the ways to help raise it are things I already do:

Lose weight: I'm not overweight by any means and I exercise frequently
Drink alcohol in moderation: I don't have a drink once a day, but I do drink occasionally
Stop smoking: I've never had a cigarette
Eat olive oil/peanut butter/nuts: I do all this almost every day (I'm working on weeding out PB from my diet due to migraines)
Stop eating trans fatty acids: I'm sure I eat my fair share since I don't track this, but I eat better than anyone I know
Take fish oil: I pop three capsules a day (around 3,000mg)

I'm also worried because although I'm a very healthy eater, my LDL was on the higher side. So that means things like eggs are out. I know cholesterol is only 20% diet and more likely from genetics and lifestyle, but there's no family history of this and I have a very healthy lifestyle.

It's not a concern from my doctor but I really would like to know how to raise it without compromising the LDL!


  • AlabasterVerve
    AlabasterVerve Posts: 3,171 Member
    Eating saturated fat raises HDL and apparently improves the pattern type of your LDL to one that's beneficial.

    ETA: And you really need to get rid of the trans fat!