Lovin' the Kashi!

TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
I used to eat Kashi a lot and recently tried the Heart to Heart Honey Toasted! Tasty and full of benefits!

I know a lot of women who get sick with multi-vitamins or prenatal vitamins while pregnant. If any of you have that problem or know someone who does, try to get them to eat this cereal or use wheat germ..they are both excellent sources of folic acid. This Kashi cereal has 100% in one serving, as well as vitamin E, Vitamin B6 and B12.

Also, there is 5 g of fiber, which someone had forgotten to put in the nutrition facts when entering it into this sites database. I entered it again with the fiber! I am on a mission to eat a lot of fiber since Dr. Oz (from Oprah) said women should get at least 25 g a day.



  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    I used to eat Kashi a lot and recently tried the Heart to Heart Honey Toasted! Tasty and full of benefits!

    I know a lot of women who get sick with multi-vitamins or prenatal vitamins while pregnant. If any of you have that problem or know someone who does, try to get them to eat this cereal or use wheat germ..they are both excellent sources of folic acid. This Kashi cereal has 100% in one serving, as well as vitamin E, Vitamin B6 and B12.

    Also, there is 5 g of fiber, which someone had forgotten to put in the nutrition facts when entering it into this sites database. I entered it again with the fiber! I am on a mission to eat a lot of fiber since Dr. Oz (from Oprah) said women should get at least 25 g a day.

  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Yes!! I love Kashi cereals!!! This one in particular I have stayed away from because it is so tasty I binge on it!!! :laugh: But now that I am counting my calories I should enjoy it again in moderation. This morning I had a serving of Kashi GoLean with 1/2 cup of skim milk, 1/2 cup of sliced strawberries and 1/2oz of walnut pieces. It is just 300 cals and soooooooo YUMMY!!!!!!
  • maridale
    maridale Posts: 39 Member
    I'm with you on the fiber. I'm doing likewise and I too love Kashi products. Another product that I've mentioned before with the fiber benefits is the Fiber One bars. YUM!!!!!
  • jessneill
    jessneill Posts: 380 Member
    Love me some Kashi! :drinker: