Newbie here... Have over 100lbs to lose. Need lots of help!



  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,733 Member
    He everyone. My name is Becky and this s my final attempt before I turn to a surgical option to lose weight. I am 5'3 and almost 300 lbs. I need to lose a lot and sure could use all the help and support I can get. Along with my pre-disposed genetics to keep me fat, I also have thyroid disease, PCOS and may have Fibro. Yep, I have fallen apart!! Drop me a line if anyone wants and needs some buddies to help keep them on line, and I will do the same. Lets all help each other.

    here are my tips.

    1) determine your BMR/TDEE or whatever you want to call it so you know what amount of calories (on average) you should be eating to lose weight at a healthy pace. if you use the MFP tools, they'll compute this for you.
    2) log everything. don't eat it if you can't log it. take a multivitamin everyday with food.
    3) don't drink your calories. try to get to a point where all you drink is water.
    4) walk or jog or run. alot! then start strength training when you're up to it.

    forget the scale. don't obsess about daily changes in weight. they don't mean anything. what you're focusing on are long term changes to your lifestyle. the weight WILL come off. you CAN do it. the math works and it doesn't lie. it just takes time.

    this is not a diet and you don't have to deny yourself anything you crave, you just have to eat in moderation and be accountable for what you put in your mouth. if you go over on Monday by 300 calories, then go under on Tuesday and Wednesday by 150 calories each day. be honest with your log. be accurate. be accountable. you can lose the weight without resorting to surgery and it will happen faster than you realize when you make this a lifestyle change.