Bloating advice, PLEASE! ):



  • nikkitodhunter
    I'm not saying it's a tumour, but what I am saying is it's better to be safe than sorry!

    Wouldn't it be better to have a diagnosises and know what your dealing with than just guessing?

    Like I said, I know what I'm dealing with now pretty much - I took some mild laxatives to get things moving, all today I've not been bloated or gassy! I just need to find a change in diet that helps keep me regular :')
  • nikkitodhunter
    DUMP the peanut butter! Most Doctors and pharmacists will tell you peanuts in any form are the hardest food to digest and can cause constipation.

    I went on holiday with some friends for a week, had no peanut butter, and had the same issue, I don't thin it's that =/
  • Katie3784
    Katie3784 Posts: 543
    I know lots of people will hate me for saying this because of the sugar content, but Fiber One products have done wonders for me. I started eating them almost 3 years ago after suffering severe constipation, and have been great ever since. Plus, I lost all my baby weight while still eating Fiber One raisin bran every morning and a Fiber One chewy bar every afternoon. I also use high fiber bread, and eat a lot of fruits and vegetables. I drink ten glasses of water a day because it is crucial when on a high fiber diet. You can also try a probiotic. I use Philps brand. I just noticed that you only get 18-20 grams of fiber a day. The recommended is 25, but for someone who is constipated, I'd say to aim for 35. I get around 50-60 grams, but I would not say everyone should have that much.
  • nikkitodhunter
    I know lots of people will hate me for saying this because of the sugar content, but Fiber One products have done wonders for me. I started eating them almost 3 years ago after suffering severe constipation, and have been great ever since. Plus, I lost all my baby weight while still eating Fiber One raisin bran every morning and a Fiber One chewy bar every afternoon. I also use high fiber bread, and eat a lot of fruits and vegetables. I drink ten glasses of water a day because it is crucial when on a high fiber diet. You can also try a probiotic. I use Philps brand.

    I can't really afford fancy branded stuff cos I'm about to go to uni (and am sadly in catered accomodation so can't really control what I eat as much) but right now that's what I've started doing off the avice people have gven ehre, I'm aiming for heaps of fibre, water, and I'm going to add some probiotic yoghurt every day to see if that helps.