Hip Labral Tear

Docs think I may have a labral tear in my right hip. Getting an MRI (hopefully) next week. Anyone had one? Experiences surgically or non-surgical? I have undergone two back surgeries in the last 18 months and I am not looking forward to yet another surgery....


  • julzmm
    julzmm Posts: 43 Member
    same here, Im just waiting on an MRI too. Its meant to be quite a big op but I think its done with keyhole surgery now, I think you are up and about on crutches within hours of surgery though, for 5/6 weeks, then further recovery time.I hope its something not as serious, as I am wishing with mine lol
  • donnadickens
    I too have a tear in my right hip. I have to go to a specialist in Sept. because the local hospitals and orthopedics do not have the instruments to go deep in the hip as needed to repair the tear. It can all be liproscpic, and semi non-invasive- so i'm told. I have had my ACL and meniscus operated on, and if it turns out anything like that, I'm not sure I will want to do it again. (pain was intense-rehab was long!)
    Good Luck, I'm sure it'll all turn out well! How? Might I ask did you originally injure yourself?
  • felice03
    felice03 Posts: 2,732 Member
    ME,ME,ME! I had my MRI this week to confirm it...I have surgery next month to repair the tear and release the Psoas muscle. I tried PT before the MRI and it made it worse. My doc did not like steriod injections would help in my case.

    Are they doing the MRI Arthrogram?
  • Sarabeth1980
    Sarabeth1980 Posts: 62 Member
    same here, Im just waiting on an MRI too. Its meant to be quite a big op but I think its done with keyhole surgery now, I think you are up and about on crutches within hours of surgery though, for 5/6 weeks, then further recovery time.I hope its something not as serious, as I am wishing with mine lol

    GAH. I just want to be normal! I have been struggling with back and hip pain for so long that as soon as we fix one part another freaking problem arises...
  • donnadickens
    I had a MRI with contrast to find out what it was, they took me to x-ray and put a needle in my hip with dye. not all that painful, as they use alot of numbing as they entered with the needle.
  • felice03
    felice03 Posts: 2,732 Member
    I have been told I will be on crutches for 2-3 weeks and then a hip brace for an additional 3-4. Surgery is outpatient, actual surgery time less than two hours.
  • Sarabeth1980
    Sarabeth1980 Posts: 62 Member
    Pregnancy? I don't know. I have scoliosis and degenerative disc disease. One massive disc herniation, followed by a smaller one on the same disc. Now I have this ongoing hip pain.... I think there is something else wrong besides just the labrum, but one thing at a time...
  • Sarabeth1980
    Sarabeth1980 Posts: 62 Member
    I have been told I will be on crutches for 2-3 weeks and then a hip brace for an additional 3-4. Surgery is outpatient, actual surgery time less than two hours.

    I wonder how long off of work?
  • TurtleRunnerNC
    TurtleRunnerNC Posts: 768 Member
    I had surgery for a hip labral tear in Dec 2010. I wish I could say the recovery was short & sweet. I had done months of PT & pain meds & tried cortizone injection prior to surgery. I actually had several micro tears that never showed on my MRI. My Dr was certain it elwas the problem even though he coukd not see them & we had exhausted all the other treatment options with no success. I also had Synovitis.

    I was originally on crutches for a month ( weaning from to down to one @ some point in there) went completely off them for a week & somehow (likely over did it) ended up with hip flexor tendonitis & was back on crutches for 3 more weeks. Which sucked. It was probably a good 8 months before I was fully recovered. Sorry to say. Hopefully you will hesl faster should you need it. I still have issues with that hip but I also had Osteoathritis in it & the surgeon told my family that eventually I would need a new hip anyway.

    Feel free to friend me or message me if you have questions. I know it's very painful and frustrating (labral tears). i do not regret the surgery. I am so much better than before it was just a very slow process.
  • donnadickens
    ugh...no one told me about a hip brace..is it really that intense of a surgery? I have scoliosis as well, and have had "popping" hips for years...don't know why, but I tore it during softball practice, I over used my hips and legs, I think! Damn I'm getting old!!!! :sad:
  • Sarabeth1980
    Sarabeth1980 Posts: 62 Member
    ME,ME,ME! I had my MRI this week to confirm it...I have surgery next month to repair the tear and release the Psoas muscle. I tried PT before the MRI and it made it worse. My doc did not like steriod injections would help in my case.

    Are they doing the MRI Arthrogram?

    Yes on the arthrogram. Release on the psoas eh? My chiropractor says that mine is ridiculously tight and he can't get it to relax. I did PT for my back surgery and it was my PT that suggested I get my hip looked at, since he had a labral tear.
  • felice03
    felice03 Posts: 2,732 Member
    I have been told I will be on crutches for 2-3 weeks and then a hip brace for an additional 3-4. Surgery is outpatient, actual surgery time less than two hours.

    I wonder how long off of work?

    I am preparing for at least three weeks...once in the brace I will be able to walk and sit, no lifting or twisting. My boss has told me if I want to come back at that point they will accomidate me.
  • TurtleRunnerNC
    TurtleRunnerNC Posts: 768 Member
    I have been told I will be on crutches for 2-3 weeks and then a hip brace for an additional 3-4. Surgery is outpatient, actual surgery time less than two hours.

    I wonder how long off of work?

    I was on crutches mlonger but everyone is different. I never was given a hip brace so not sure. I was off work for 2 months but partly do to the 3 weeks of tendonitis & not really being able to do my job on crutches & possibly easily being sble to reinjure my hip while working.

    What do you do?
  • TurtleRunnerNC
    TurtleRunnerNC Posts: 768 Member
    Pregnancy? I don't know. I have scoliosis and degenerative disc disease. One massive disc herniation, followed by a smaller one on the same disc. Now I have this ongoing hip pain.... I think there is something else wrong besides just the labrum, but one thing at a time...

    Could be Synovitis too. Very painful according to my surgeon.
  • Sarabeth1980
    Sarabeth1980 Posts: 62 Member
    I have been told I will be on crutches for 2-3 weeks and then a hip brace for an additional 3-4. Surgery is outpatient, actual surgery time less than two hours.

    I wonder how long off of work?

    I was on crutches mlonger but everyone is different. I never was given a hip brace so not sure. I was off work for 2 months but partly do to the 3 weeks of tendonitis & not really being able to do my job on crutches & possibly easily being sble to reinjure my hip while working.

    What do you do?

    I am a cop.... but I am in an investigative position at a desk for now. I am trying to get back to patrol, but my back and hip have been hindering me. I also have a chronically ill child, so my sick and vacation time is damn near gone...
  • felice03
    felice03 Posts: 2,732 Member
    ME,ME,ME! I had my MRI this week to confirm it...I have surgery next month to repair the tear and release the Psoas muscle. I tried PT before the MRI and it made it worse. My doc did not like steriod injections would help in my case.

    Are they doing the MRI Arthrogram?

    Yes on the arthrogram. Release on the psoas eh? My chiropractor says that mine is ridiculously tight and he can't get it to relax. I did PT for my back surgery and it was my PT that suggested I get my hip looked at, since he had a labral tear.

    I have known mine was tight for a while and always thought that was the source of the pain, until the last month when it has gotten to be too much. we decided since we were going to be in there anyway, might as well take care of that too.

    as a side note...I had no "injury"....no trauma...I don't even work out THAT much...I was told I was hyper flexible and that contributed to the tear.
  • Sarabeth1980
    Sarabeth1980 Posts: 62 Member
    Pregnancy? I don't know. I have scoliosis and degenerative disc disease. One massive disc herniation, followed by a smaller one on the same disc. Now I have this ongoing hip pain.... I think there is something else wrong besides just the labrum, but one thing at a time...

    Could be Synovitis too. Very painful according to my surgeon.

    He mentioned something about that too... as I have these little hard nodes on my back and in my hip. But, no signs of arthritis on the xrays.
  • Sarabeth1980
    Sarabeth1980 Posts: 62 Member
    ME,ME,ME! I had my MRI this week to confirm it...I have surgery next month to repair the tear and release the Psoas muscle. I tried PT before the MRI and it made it worse. My doc did not like steriod injections would help in my case.

    Are they doing the MRI Arthrogram?

    Yes on the arthrogram. Release on the psoas eh? My chiropractor says that mine is ridiculously tight and he can't get it to relax. I did PT for my back surgery and it was my PT that suggested I get my hip looked at, since he had a labral tear.

    I have known mine was tight for a while and always thought that was the source of the pain, until the last month when it has gotten to be too much. we decided since we were going to be in there anyway, might as well take care of that too.

    as a side note...I had no "injury"....no trauma...I don't even work out THAT much...I was told I was hyper flexible and that contributed to the tear.

    The Doc today thought it was odd that my right (injured) hip was way more flexible than the left! I will have to ask about the psoas release.
  • TurtleRunnerNC
    TurtleRunnerNC Posts: 768 Member
    I too have a tear in my right hip. I have to go to a specialist in Sept. because the local hospitals and orthopedics do not have the instruments to go deep in the hip as needed to repair the tear. It can all be liproscpic, and semi non-invasive- so i'm told. I have had my ACL and meniscus operated on, and if it turns out anything like that, I'm not sure I will want to do it again. (pain was intense-rehab was long!)
    Good Luck, I'm sure it'll all turn out well! How? Might I ask did you originally injure yourself?

    I was told it's not as easy a surgery or recovery than those because the hip socket is smaller (more narrow I guess) and to get in there & get the instruments / camera in there they have to put your leg in traction & pull it out which of course stretches all the muscles / ligsments involved.
  • felice03
    felice03 Posts: 2,732 Member
    I have been told I will be on crutches for 2-3 weeks and then a hip brace for an additional 3-4. Surgery is outpatient, actual surgery time less than two hours.

    I wonder how long off of work?

    I was on crutches mlonger but everyone is different. I never was given a hip brace so not sure. I was off work for 2 months but partly do to the 3 weeks of tendonitis & not really being able to do my job on crutches & possibly easily being sble to reinjure my hip while working.

    What do you do?

    I am a cop.... but I am in an investigative position at a desk for now. I am trying to get back to patrol, but my back and hip have been hindering me. I also have a chronically ill child, so my sick and vacation time is damn near gone...

    I work in a medical lab...but I can do a large part of things from a desk and leave the "up and down" to others. That is why I am hoping on returning sooner, bc 6 weeks at home would drive me insane.

    From what my doc told me, it is very hard to predict how well someone heals fromt his surgery as well as how much it will help an individual. But after a month of pain and having days were I could not even walk, it is worth it for me.