i cant help but binge on my 'free days' HELP



  • CassiusKnox
    CassiusKnox Posts: 305 Member
    I diet EVERY DAY.... What's this 'free day' nonsence?? I don't exercise every day (I do 5 days a week) but that doesn't make the other two days 'free days'.

    I think you have to stop thinking of your diet as something you 'do' 5 days a week. It's not a hobby or a job. It's a lifestyle. 24 / 7.

    Sorry it sounds harsh... but an attitude adjustment is needed I think.
  • stang_girl88
    stang_girl88 Posts: 234 Member
    I had the same problem. Not sure if what worked for me applies to you, but I dont keep anything bad in my house. If I have 'junk' in my house I will hoover it down, hungry or not. If I went out wih friends, it wasnt somewhere were we could eat. My friends know I am trying to lose weight, so if I was at their home, if food was offered it was usually healthy. Well, healthier than chips, pop and cookies lol. I hope you find something that works for you, I know how hard it is :)

    ETA: I still have a cheat meal once a week, but after a while, 'cheat' food isnt as desirable to me. I dont even crave chocolate anymore and before I had to have it everyday or someone would get hurt lol. it does get better!
  • kcoftx
    kcoftx Posts: 765 Member
    My advice--plan to not be idle. Most people have a good routine in place for the weekday but on the weekend it falls apart.

    Plan ahead. Decide on active outings and what you will eat before the weekend hits. For example, go river trekking. Bring a picnic in a backpack (closed in a airtight/waterproof container) before you go. Now food is part of the social event but not off plan. It's an adventure that you are focused on--not food.

    If you do something that has food associated, make a different plan.

    Going to the movies? Make some roasted chickpeas to take instead.

    Plan your strategy ahead of time.

    Go kayaking, zip-lining, skating, etc.

    I had a hard time with stopping at fast food places when I'm out doing errands. I make healthier choices but it is still too much too often. I decided to write out a plan of foods I can take on the quick. I display it. I shop for it. I never leave it to me to try to problem solve at the last minute when I'm in a rush. In the moment, when it is your weakness, it is harder to think it through than if you go in ahead of time with a plan.

    Write it down! What will your plan be for this weekend?
  • spark409
    spark409 Posts: 96
    so its saturday here in NZ. (i dont know where abouts in the world you guys are from, USA? australia?)
    i appreciate ALL your comments. i felt so alone in this, but the fact that people in the world care to give advice means a lot to me. please keep them coming!!

    i cant stress how serious my situation is (im fighting the temptation right now to go to the shop, which is conveniently right next to the library) :(

    my mum has been saying i need counseling, and I cant talk about this with her because she starts crying.

    so after reading your comments ive decided tomo (sunday) i am going to plan ahead on MFP

    do you think I should keep it to my mon-fri caloric limit of 1200 (ie not make it a cheat/free day)
    or should i allow a few 100 cal leeway? (ie make it a treat day)??
    it seems the opinion is divided on this.

    again i am NOT good with moderation in any aspect of my life. my eating is extreme, my studying is extreme and my exercising is extreme (not proud of it, just being honest)
    i know a 100 cal bar or drink is not a disaster, but when I eat it I always feel Ive failed and then it snowballs to eating a whole lot of other things
  • headlock_lynn
    headlock_lynn Posts: 79 Member
    I don't schedule "cheat days". To me, losing weight is a whole new lifestyle and that includes exercise and healthier eating habits. Now I do binge on occasion especially days when I'm down or no one else is home. I find food is my comfort so I can relate to your cheat days. I really have to work hard and if I go over then have to try to exercise more in order to work off those extra calories. Personally I feel this new lifestyle should be a 24/7 things not just 5 days per week. It's not a diet. It's a whole new way of living and will have to do it for life otherwise all the weight I've lost will go straight back on again. It takes time to be able to say no on the weekends when you have let yourself go. I suggest you continue logging and set aside one treat item but still stay within your calorie allowance. Don't forgo chocolate bars etc. But make sure you are still in your calorie allotment. Go for an extra walk if you need to. It's ok to have treats. Just don't make them a whole part of your day. Good luck. stick with it. I know you can do this.
  • mccbabe1
    mccbabe1 Posts: 737 Member
    ideally i dont want to have any cheat days... what i mean is that i usually have no control over myself on either sat or sun,

    yeah usually i go to the shops, eat, then open the computer and log ... and then i feel bad :(
    as i said im really not proud of myself..
    this behaviour is disgusting i know...
    i really want to know how i can take control of this situation.

    Plan ahead before you leave. Any time I go to a restaurant, I look up the nutrition info ahead of time and plan for it. If it's not in my budget I don't eat it. Look for lower calorie alternatives to satisfy your cravings.

    Example: Went to a Women of Faith conference earlier this month and we had dinner at the Cheesecake Factory. I did my research ahead of time and planned my dinner from the Skinnylicious menu. Then I split a low-carb cheesecake slice with my mom. The cheesecake ended up being 300 calories and satisfied my sweet craving.

    I realized as I got into the whole logging thing that you definitely have to plan. And then it comes down to just telling yourself "no!!!". I know it's hard, but hang in there!!! YOU CAN DO IT!

  • Nikiki
    Nikiki Posts: 993
    What saved my sanity was viewing my calories by the week instead of by the day. Most days I'm under my calories by 100-300, this gives me a cushion for the days I go out to eat or get drinks ect... I find that allowing myself to go over but still making myself track it keeps me accountable so I don't go totally crazy and feeling more in control (I had a brownie because I earned it on the treadmill yesterday) keeps me from that slipper slope of "well I effed up why bother"

    Also you said going to the stores and getting snacks is hurting you. Before you go out eat something, I never grocery shop on an empty stomach because I always get a rediculous amount of snacks! Make your list, have you snack and then be strong and stuck to your list! Put back the chips and get fruit or 100 calorie packs of snacks to eat in class.
  • cinemec
    cinemec Posts: 15
    I'd agree it certainly seems to be a problem with structure, try and plan your weekends more and include activities that keep you active. If you walk to the shops, keep going for a couple more miles then get your shopping on the way back. If you have to drive, park up near the supermarket and go for a wander for an hour or two before you shop. If you're a 9-5 Mon-Fri worker then the weekends always were your days of rest. Well now you've got another task to do.. so put that free time to work! Explore the great outdoors.. take some classes in anything.. doesn't have to be exercise, try anything that takes your fancy.. art, study something, volunteer, just keep your mind active and distracted from food. That'll help deal with the snacking anyway.
  • CassiusKnox
    CassiusKnox Posts: 305 Member
    There are no 'cheat days' or 'treat days'. Where on earth is that idea coming from? I think you need the same goals EVERY DAY and never think of ANY day as a 'cheat day' otherwise you give yourself licence to be bad and think to yourself 'oh I'll do better tomorrow'.

    You CAN treat yourself.... eat something nice if you want... but do it INSIDE your daily goal. If you want a special treat go do 30 mins on a treadmill then eat those 400 cals back in your 'treat'.

    Nothing comes cheap. Nothing comes easy. Just my opinion.
    MJLPAA Posts: 32 Member
    Taking the weekend off can easily undo all the hard work during the week. Instead of a DAY off, how about one meal off or a free meal. Eat all you can at one meal but be sure to record everything that you've eaten. I like the idea of using the 'under' calories left over from the week as the extras that you allow yourself to use when you choose to go over. Eventually, I reach a point where eating all the carbs and calories makes me feel really crummy after eating healthy all week.
  • spark409
    spark409 Posts: 96
    thanks guys

    yep, your right i definitely need structure in my weekends.
    I dont consciously think of my weekends as 'free days' they just become days where I do badly, so thats just what Ive come to call them on this thread.

    also although there is some enjoyment (and guilt) with eating
    another reason i go to the shops, is i simply really like just wandering and LOOKING at the food. (kinda like watching a movie? but your scanning all the food thats available in the world).. urgh even as i write this its so embarrassing.

    i will be more conscious to think of a weight loss as a continual 24/7 thing. i think ive come to associate weekend --> rest --> enjoyment/ no stress or deprivation --> food.
    and i will try to go to the gym tomo morning.
  • spark409
    spark409 Posts: 96
    for those who have been asking me

    im 5'4
    weigh 116llb
    20 year old female
    caloric goal has been 1200 a day.
    go to gym 3 times a week
    burn 200 - 500 calories a session.
  • CassiusKnox
    CassiusKnox Posts: 305 Member
    for those who have been asking me

    im 5'4
    weigh 116llb
    20 year old female
    caloric goal has been 1200 a day.
    go to gym 3 times a week
    burn 200 - 500 calories a session.

    Can I just say how freakin' awesome I think you are coming here and admitting to this 'problem'. PLEASE keep getting advice here even if it is hard to hear sometimes.

    ps I'm in Australia - Love them Kiwis.
  • careyannal
    careyannal Posts: 161
    You obviously have a lot of guilt after you binge. Maybe try to think about how bad you will feel, physically & mentally, after a binge, and then ask yourself "is it worth it?"

    Good luck!
  • spark409
    spark409 Posts: 96
    for those who have been asking me

    im 5'4
    weigh 116llb
    20 year old female
    caloric goal has been 1200 a day.
    go to gym 3 times a week
    burn 200 - 500 calories a session.

    Can I just say how freakin' awesome I think you are coming here and admitting to this 'problem'. PLEASE keep getting advice here even if it is hard to hear sometimes.

    ps I'm in Australia - Love them Kiwis.

    thanks for the tough love :)
    nope you gave me a real wake up call
    i DO need an attitude adjustment, weight loss isn't a diet, its a whole lifestyle change, which is going to involve many weekends to come.
    i guess the hard part is to keep this in my mind when im at my weakest.
    and also

    ive read EVERY comment and have taken your advice on board
    also im grateful and surprised that not a single person has attacked me on this (which so many friends and family in my day to day life have) - you guys have been more supportive than all of them put together.

    no more bingeing for the rest of today and tomo (and the following weekends hopefully)!!
    again i welcome ALL advice because i dont have a little problem of splurging.. this is really affecting me badly

    for the past month now, ive been bingeing on weekends to the point of physical pain and actually 2 weekends in a row Ive thrown up at night from eating too much and was so sick i couldnt go to uni on monday.
  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    To be honest, your family *might* have a legitimate concern. You should, I assume, have access to a mental health clinic at the university and it might be a good idea just to go in for a few sessions and see if something positive comes of it.

    Of course, it could also be that you simply aren't eating enough.I realize at 5'4" you are going to need fewer calories than I do at 5'8" unless you're highly active. But are you eating your exercise calories? If you're eating 1200 and exercising 3x a week and not eating any of them your body might just be hungry and so on the weekends when you're not following your structured plan you go nuts. Although you say you don't burn much. So maybe that's not it at all, but it's something to consider.

    Also, at your height and weight you're already at the low end of a normal BMI. (I know, BMI is flawed, etc, etc. Whatever. It's one tool to use to gauge where a person stands.). What kind of deficit do you have set for yourself? If you still want to lose some weight maybe you should eat at maintenance and let exercise create your deficit. Or maybe you should work on body composition rather than weight loss. Or something. Just another thing to consider.
  • just have to share with you all that I DIDNT binge today :)

    did have a 1200 calorie breakfast I admit
    but i did burn 600 cal at the gym, and had a controlled rest of the day.

    Okay so the start wasn't perfect, but point is im going to bed tonight with a stomach thats not going to explode which is a first for me in SEVERAL MONTHS.

    feeling like i have some control over this.
    im hoping tomo will be even better!
  • Annabel89
    Annabel89 Posts: 63 Member
    Hi Hun,

    I know this thread is really old..you might not even be around on MFP any more, or if you are, you might be in a better place. I hope so.
    If you are still feeling like this, then you need to go and speak to a professional. A counsellor, a doctor, or your local eating disorder clinic.
    I'm not an expert, but your responses and the behaviours you're speaking of indicate an eating disorder. It makes me angry to think that people were telling you what 'they' do, and how you need to adjust your attitude. It was obvious from your first post you have a problem.
    Please, please, stop talking to MFP and go and speak to a Doctor.
    I applaud everyone on MFP, really I do, everyone is on their own personal journey, but unfortunately losing weight is a selfish place, and you need help.
    A xx