Intimidated by group classes



  • Mina133842
    Mina133842 Posts: 1,573 Member
    I agree with Paddlemom. I'm VERY large, and I started out taking dance classes. I also introduced myself to the instructor and told her of any issues I had, and stayed on the outskirts. I have friends that weigh MUCH less than I do that just couldn't bring themselves to do things they really want because of their fear. I REFUSE to let my weight stop me from trying new things. I'm not going to wait until I'm fit and "normal size" to try stuff. I had always wanted to try and learn how to Swing dance and salsa, and I signed up for the classes and went. I had a BLAST!! I also took beginning Ballroom. Was so much fun! I say, if you want it, GO GET IT!!! :) You'll only have regret if you don't do it. I promise, you'll be happy you went.
  • jakstamp
    I totally know how you feel .. there is nothing worse than going to a new class by yourself and feeling like you stick out like a sore thumb!

    That is why I just started spin classes ... yes, they are pretty hard but everyone is so focused on what's going on with their own bike so no one is looking at you! And no one in the class tell tell what intensity level other people are working on so it's perfect.

    I get in there and challenge myself at my own level and don't feel one bit intimiated. If I need to take a minute and reduce the intensity I do - no one knows and it allows me to keep going.

    It is the best workout ever!