30DS and cardio? Can it be done?



  • cherbert1
    I frequently do cardio and circuit in the same day (back to back) but not more than 3 days a week. I would probably get pretty fatigued if it were an everyday thing. Having a rest day, or two is ideal if you are training that much.
  • seizethefray
    I've been doing 30DS daily and running every other day. Personally, the shred only makes me sore for the first couple days after starting a new level, so it doesn't wear me down. If anything, my sore calves/shin splints (grrr) are what kill me when I run on top of it.

    I've taken a few days off throughout the month, the combination of the two has really been working for me! It's do-able. Plus, I condition myself to hate the shred less b/c I have days where I think, "Oh I just have to get through 28 min. At least it's not my run day." :D
  • laurenk08
    laurenk08 Posts: 89 Member
    During my 30day shred I usually did the JM workout then did cardio after it, like elliptical or running outside if it was nice for about 30 minute.

    It worked for me! I usually took one day of rest from the added cardio, but I always felt like I needed to add the cardio so I could burn enough calories, since the 30 day shred was only like 20 minutes.

    I usually ate a banana for a good post workout snack, but I usually did not eat too much before, just like a protein or meal shake! (and hydrated throughout the day)

    I broke my plateau doing that combo for the whole 30 days though! good luck!
  • casnic25
    casnic25 Posts: 81
    I do 30DS for 6 days a week, insanity for 4-5 times (depends on how I feel), and spinning (cycling) 3-4 times (depending on how I feel and other factors). It can be hard at times, but I try to make it work.
  • newmooon56
    newmooon56 Posts: 347 Member
    Im actually in the middle of this situation. I did 30 DS for 8 days straight before I NEEDED a rest day.

    Heres the thing with Shred I dont get. I always learned to rotate muscles worked- give a rest day. But I am also "hearing" - here on the boards- that this work out is THE BOMB- SO- I tried doing it as noted- 30 days straight. On day 5 and 7 I did a 1.5 and 2 hr zumba class. On day 8 I did only Shred and by 9 I took the day off. Instead of going to day 9 or 10 of lvl 1 I moved on to lvl 2 (bored of 1.) I ran today (day 3 or 4 of lvl 2) and then came right in and did lvl 2 of the Shred.

    Can it be done? Play it by ear. Im 40 btw, and want to- but my experience says theres something counter intuitive about working the same muscles day in a day out. I miss my cardio if I dont do it and plan on running and doing zumba and if I have to stop something for 1 day of rest it will be the Shred. Id rather just come back to that- but get my cardio.

    Id say see how you feel. You have a plan- try it - and dont be afraid to break things up. Id do a rest day around day 4 or 5 and then just keep going if I knew when I started what I know now. Of course this is my body talking to me - and you have to listen to your body.

    Good luck reaching you fullest potential and your goals!
  • Italian_mom
    Italian_mom Posts: 192 Member
    I do 30DS and C25K on the same days. Not back-to-back, but with a couple hours in between and I'm fine.

    I do JM or BH videos early before I take the kids to school and then come back and start my C25K. I just started Monday, and it seems to be working out for me.
  • mrsjarvis11
    mrsjarvis11 Posts: 40 Member
    I did/do 30 DS daily (already went 30 days this past Wednesday) and also got on my treadmill AFTER the DVD workout. I would go anywhere between 20-50 minutes on treadmill.
    I am currently mixing it up. I have been doing 30 day shred (phase 3) and now started ripped in 30. Now with those 2 together I find it harder to get on treadmill. However I think I might take a break from 30 DS due to the repetition boring me. I got Jillian's Shed and Shred DVD so I will be doing Ripped in 30 and doing 1 workout from shed and shred and/or treadmill. So I think it's fine to do more then just her 1 DVD. You could also try doing 2 phase 1's or when you move to phase 2 doing both 1 and 2. It's really how you feel.
    That all being said I'm not a top athlete and have a ton of work left to do, so sometimes I have to take her 5 second breather or do the modified version of a move, but I do push on!

    I don't know why but I find when I do my workout at the start of my day I seem to push or last/go longer. Now some days I open (I'm in retail) and I wait to do my workouts when I get off, I have a vegan protein bar (Good n Natural) 30 minutes prior to my workout to give me some extra energy, or at least its in my head that way.

    I also snack on almonds, yogurt, or a healthy "pizza".
    The pizza recipe is 1 whole wheat English muffin (cut in 2)
    1 Sargento Light string cheese stick (cut in half)
    On each half of muffin I put 1 half of string cheese (I cut each half into thin slices), 2 Tbsp's pico de gallo
    I pop both of them in the toaster oven for about 15 minutes and there's a good snack for 200 calories!
  • rayraygbs
    I've been doing the same as some others on here. i'm on day 8 of level 1 of the 30ds, doing it every day, and doing the c25k 3 days a week. so far i'm okay. on days that i run i drink a protein shake or i am starving for the whole day, and down water like crazy
  • printererror
    printererror Posts: 48 Member
    Thanks for all the advice everyone! I guess I'll try to fit both in and let my body tell me if I need a break or not.
  • Hood25
    Hood25 Posts: 208 Member
    I did one of jillian's videos pretty much 6 days a week with 45 minutes or more of treadmill or elliptical following. I was tired sometimes more than others but i just did it. I lost weight consistently, 1-2 pounds a week with some weeks of no loss. I found that the foods I ate made the difference. I was not very active so this was not overkill for me. I was determined and made it happen. I enjoyed her videos. since January I have completed Ripped in 30, 30 day shred, 6 week 6 pack and now i'm on a rotation of kettle worx kettball video and 6 week 6 pack.
    I was consistent and it did not bother me to do the same routine. I just switched up treadmill and elliptical while completing each video. I got great results and am now at target weight.
    I ate consistent things adding here and there based on boredom or trying for more energy. I had more energy eating more protein. I tried to eat the same amount of protein as carbs but would usually go over a little more with carbs. Protein packed breakfast really helps me. At least 350-400 calories. Little lower lunch and then a 4-600 dinner.
    Things i had for pre snack. Cashews or a nature valley protein bar. But i timed it so that my workouts were within an hour or so after eating a meal. Now that i'm working it is nuts or protein bar or nothing before. As soon as i get home from work i put my shoes on and go. I now do cardio first and kettle ball next. I have an after workout snack instead. It is usually always a protein shake of right under 300 calories.

    It was a alot of trial and error sometimes but I found that if i ate the same foods and switched here and there it worked. Same for my workout routine. I kept the same and then switched it up after 6 weeks or so.

    You can do it. You will be tired and you won't want to do it but do it! Just make sure your eating the right foods to support both workouts.
  • KT022
    KT022 Posts: 46 Member
    I'm up to day 5 of level 1 of 30DS and I've gone to the gym 3/5 days where I have done 20mins of cardio, as well as 2 games of indoor sports which is 30minutes of running, so I would say it's doable - I'm quite sore but no pain no gain :)