Lactose Free and Low Sugar Help?

I'm sure this is on here somewhere in other topics, but I don't want to get overwhelmed by posts and info so I will just ask for help...
I have been having some symptoms that seem very likely related to my diet, and I can't really pinpoint what. My best guess is sugars and dairy, because in the few weeks I have tried to pay attention to when I get the most stomach pain, etc it seems like I've had a lot of sugar or dairy. (I'm a closet junk foodie with a crazy sweet tooth:( )
I normally would eat yogurt with breakfast...or coffee with milk (soy and almond milk is an ok sub in coffee...but its just not the same!!) I also love fruit...
I want to change my diet, but I find I am always drawn to cheese and yogurt and fruit.
Dinner is easy, I do chicken or fish and veggies or vegan chilis and stuff like that. And lunch is easy enough to cut out cheese or high sugar fruit.
But breakfast I have such a hard time with! I tried oatmeal packets to sadly find out the one I bought had a ton of sugar.
What do you eat for a good dairy free breakfast (that isn't eggs!)


  • mairemacha
    do you have a lactose intolerance? if so...have you tried zymil milk? it tastes like normal milk but is lactose free. when i do'nt feel like soy i go for that.
    and have you talked to your doc about I.B.S? i have ibs myself focused mainly on the lactose intolerance. you've just gotta try cutting certain things out and seeing if it makes you feel better.
    also... for my breakfast, when it's not cereal or eggs, it's something weird like kangaroo sausages. i know it sounds strange but it boosts my protein up for the day.. and who said you can't eat lean meat for breaky :P
  • Trainee_Jane
    Thanks for the suggestions. I started cutting out dairy just to see how I feel, and I have a Dr. appt tomorrow so I can talk about IBS and other lactose intolerance. I can't tell what's causing it, so I figured dairy would be one thing to cut out first. I bought turkey sausage and bacon for some protein in the morning, and that's been good to eat.