The right size kettlebell & most important notes on form

I am just about to start doing kettlebells as I understand they are great for the core, help build lean muscle mass, & still.have an element of cardio. But, there are no local classes. I tried to watch a video on YouTube, but my browser is acting up. So, can any of you with experience share how you choose what is the right size weight to begin with & any other important tips on form or method. I can get to links of regular sites if you have recommendations - just not videos for now.


  • Lina4Lina
    Lina4Lina Posts: 712 Member
    For an average women, 15lbs or 18lbs is a decent starting weight. Stronger/more athletic women can start with a higher weight.
  • Doberdawn
    Doberdawn Posts: 732 Member
    I got a 15# bell & tried my 1st workout. I can do all the moves with it & a # of reps cleanly. I can't go as fast as they start to get on some of the moves during their cardiolike workout on DVD & I do reach fatigue & have to rest set. I think that means this is right for my goal to build lean muscle mass. It's what I'd do with my other weights, but I'm new to this. Is it better to go lighter & keep up/do it all?