
Well, I'm not really new, I started in May (after getting diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes- there's a kick in the *kitten*) and I've lost 25 lbs so far! Pretty damn good! I've tried every stupid weight loss system out there, NutriSystem, Jenny Craig, Essex Weight Loss, all worked to an extent- until I got to 'maintenance'. Since they purposely don't teach you how to count calories or weigh your food, you end up gaining it all back (and then some). VOILA, you get to start with their expensive program all over again! What a coincidence, eh?
I think MFP works beautifully. I'm actually learning how to eat and WHAT to eat, as well as portion size. Not to mention, my A1C is back to normal. 54 lbs to go. Wish me luck!
PS: Thanks for changing my life for the better diabetes, now do yoga 3x a week, ride exercise bike 7x week, hike 1x a week and lift weights 3x a week. HA! You'll never get me!