
Has anyone tried TurboFire by Chalene Johnson? If so, What do you think of it?


  • JulieDerda
    JulieDerda Posts: 163
    ABSOULUTLY LOVE TURBO FIRE<<<< had to put that in all caps b/c you def should get it. It's tough but def do-able and I think its what kept me going w/ working out. (especially when it was too hot to go running outside) . The music is fun and she isa very inspirational person.

    I highly recommend buying it and doign it!! :bigsmile:
  • rosecrowned
    rosecrowned Posts: 2 Member
    She is pretty much amazing.
    And I mean.. AMAZING. OH MY GOODNESS. There is not emphasis in the world for that woman :)
    Ive started/stopped turbofire several times (I always get off track) but TF is fun, if a little dancy. She also has Turbo Jam (which came first, and is pretty much all the same moves.. just seems to be less 'dancy')
    ... If you want something closer to P90X (because I consider her and Tony Horton to be on par with each other) then she has her own cardoi/strength training program called Chalene Extreme ( her full name is Chalene Johnson) and its a fully integrated, rarely just doing one thing type of deal....

    in a nut shell- go for it!
    The beachbody website is also SUPER supportive of questions you have/problems you are encountering!)
    Hope this helps a little bit :)
  • myateam4
    myateam4 Posts: 63 Member
    its amazing!!!
  • dragonflyz76
    Thanks everyone!!!!! I just might give it a try!
  • jenihullett
    jenihullett Posts: 241 Member
    This is my first week on Turbo Fire, and it is one heck of a workout! The first two days I felt a bit sore afterwards, but now I feel great!! It's really intense, but the music and the dancing make it really fun.
  • dragonflyz76
    Thanks Jen! (:
  • flslp87
    flslp87 Posts: 175 Member
    Love all her stuff!
  • SusieGirlRN
    SusieGirlRN Posts: 104 Member
    Turbo Fire is the absolute best workout if you like music, cardio-kickboxing & an upbeat motivating instructor. There is a "new to class" option so you can learn the moves & always a girl doing the steps low impact that you can follow along if you need to modify any of the steps. With this DVD set I actually stick to my workout ~ I am a total Turbo Fire Junkie :smokin: anyone doing this workout can feel free to add me to their friend list ... heehee
  • dragonflyz76
    Thank you!!! Sounds what i like in a good workout!!!!
  • skwidlund
    skwidlund Posts: 117 Member
    I'm at the end of week 8 and I still love it! I've never stuck with a DVD series for more than a few weeks. I actually look forward to workout out every morning - crazy!
  • dragonflyz76
    Thank you!!!!:happy:
  • NeekoM03
    NeekoM03 Posts: 27
    I did my first TF workout this week, HIIT 20. I was so sore the next day just from 20 minutes! Can't wait to try some of the others!
  • sarah692
    sarah692 Posts: 136 Member
    It can be fun, but I got burned out with it after a month. I like the HIITs, but there was no way I could stick with the 5 month program. It could have had a lot to do with my sleep schedule though.
  • StephJB1221
    I have p90x but turbofire is on my to do list!!! Lol
  • Raynne413
    Raynne413 Posts: 1,527 Member
    I have a screwed up knee and ankle, but was wanting to give TurboFire a try. Are low impact options shown during the workout?
  • redhousecat
    redhousecat Posts: 584 Member
    I like the concept, but it was too much booty poppin' for me. I am very uncoordinated.