Am I stupid?

I have this "plan". I have a series of exercises (all without weights); body twists, squats, lifting my knees up to my stomach, push ups, crunches and leg raises. I started on one a day and add one more each time, thinking after 30 days I will be able to do 30 push ups. Is this concept stupid and a waste of time? I am 13 days in and already REALLY struggling with push ups; I could hardly do them today and they were poor to say the least and I nearly burst a blood vessel, my breathing was wrong and everything. It was really really hard doing just 13 push ups. Should I continue with this and maybe start with push ups on my knees instead of legs fully stretched? Sorry for all the stupidity here but I am genuine about sorting myself out.


  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
  • super_monty
    super_monty Posts: 419 Member
    Poor work out - not well rounded.

    Add some running, it doesn't have to be much, this will build up you actual fitness and endurance levels so you wont get out of breath.

    If you cant run yet start with a speed walk (up hill if possible) and build up to it. I couldn't for 4 mins now with this advice I can do 50k a week.

    Even some kind of home fitness aerobic DVD may help.
  • iSpuggz
    iSpuggz Posts: 39
    You really shouldn't work the same body parts every day, they need time to recover and become stronger. As one of the other posters suggested, the 100 push up program is great! Very few people will be able to do 30 proper form push ups when starting, but that program really does help!

    If you want to continue with your current workout plan, do as many proper form push ups as you can without injuring yourself and then go down to your knees and go to failure. But as I said, I'd only do that every other day so your muscles recover.
  • StevenHaley
    I still do other exercises like walking and a spot of running and a bit of walking upstairs. its early days for me so I am trying to buiild some sort of plan that involves weights also and cardio, have just tidied things up a bit and will have a go at the 100 push ups plan. many thanks.
  • kateowp
    kateowp Posts: 103 Member
    You might want to check this out as an example of how to ease into it
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member

    good website and app
    You might want to check this out as an example of how to ease into it

    good link and info.

    don't work out the same muscles in consecutive days. i like your goal of wanting to do a certain amount of push ups by a certain point. keep up the good work.
  • cfmay
    cfmay Posts: 19
    If your going from couch potato to's a start. It's a form of Calisthenics, and MFP lists that as a calorie burner. With that said, try to add some dumbbells too. That way you can build muscle and in turn burn even more calories.

    Good starter to me. But, 30 days will leave you disappointed with no much results. Give your workout a little push forward with the weights. I've "Googled" lots of muscle building, and cardio workouts that you can do at home and they have worked!

    Good luck! You're on your way. We all have to have a starting point. Keep going!
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    I would split the week up like this:
    - Exercise (20 - 30 minutes) - squats, pushups, jumping jacks, lunges, leg lifts, crunches. planks, burpees and a good walk 5 before and 5 after). Like M-W-F (every other day)
    - Run/Walk (20-30 minutes) T-R-S with C25K or some other program that fits you. And for God's sake, get properly fitted for running shoes!
    - Sunday is a rest day.

    You can do any days you want, just be sure to alternate every other and take one rest day a week.
  • kimothy38
    kimothy38 Posts: 840 Member
    It's taken me 3 months at the gym to accomplish full press ups without my back collapsing. It's incredible the number of muscles used to do a full press up! Some people just make them look so dang easy - not for me though.
  • Jules2Be
    Jules2Be Posts: 2,267 Member
    i had better success with NOT doing pushups from the knees. In stead I started from a higher surface and worked my way lower. I did them off of the edge of my sleigh bed at first...then I graduated to the kitchen counter. Now I am down to the second step from the floor on the staircase.

    I am looking forward to the 1st step, and then finally the floor! I saw this concept online, I forget where...but it really helped me build strength gradually while maintaining a straight body

  • NormalSaneFLGuy
    NormalSaneFLGuy Posts: 1,344 Member
    i had better success with NOT doing pushups from the knees. In stead I started from a higher surface and worked my way lower. I did them off of the edge of my sleigh bed at first...then I graduated to the kitchen counter. Now I am down to the second step from the floor on the staircase.

    I am looking forward to the 1st step, and then finally the floor! I saw this concept online, I forget where...but it really helped me build strength gradually while maintaining a straight body

    I started from the wall..
  • dpure
    dpure Posts: 18
    do push ups with correct form as many as you can, take a break repeat. do 4-5 sets like this. the following day you do them try to squeeze one more rep in and so on...
  • Jules2Be
    Jules2Be Posts: 2,267 Member
    i had better success with NOT doing pushups from the knees. In stead I started from a higher surface and worked my way lower. I did them off of the edge of my sleigh bed at first...then I graduated to the kitchen counter. Now I am down to the second step from the floor on the staircase.

    I am looking forward to the 1st step, and then finally the floor! I saw this concept online, I forget where...but it really helped me build strength gradually while maintaining a straight body

    I started from the wall..

    so did i, but they were too easy pretty quickly
  • Sissy4EverX3
    I have also started from the wall. I can do about 30 before I start struggling. And I only do it every other day. I like the idea of going down to the kitchen counter and on from there. Awesome idea! I'm going to steal it!
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    I'm glad to hear people are getting the message to get off of their knees.

    To the OP, not stupid no, just uninformed. I know a large number of people that took this approach to increasing their push ups. Unfortunately, it doesn't work, and even if you keep trying at your sticking point after you've failed to increase, it is not an effective way to reach your goals.
    The rest has been said by other posters.
  • Rachaelluvszipped
    Rachaelluvszipped Posts: 768 Member
    If you want to continue with your current workout plan, do as many proper form push ups as you can without injuring yourself and then go down to your knees and go to failure. But as I said, I'd only do that every other day so your muscles recover.


    When I originally started, I was unable to do 2 military push-ups (on toes), and was barely able to do the ones on my do need time to recover as your body will not let you make that decision to do any exercise if you have been doing the same thing over and over again, especially just starting out.... Every other day is the best way, you'll see the difference. It took me a few months to get to doing the push-ups ** military style, spiderman push-ups, side to side pushups, one arm/one leg push-ups, burpees/push-ups...** loving that NSV just takes time to get there...even if its busting out a few attempts at military once a week...

    I would use weight training to help you with the upper arm training as I had no arm strength when I started...Now, I can bust a ton of push-ups. Weight training every other day, different areas and cardio at least 2x a week..need 1-2 days of rest to let your body recuperate.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Your plan is fine, keep going. And keep trying real pushups, as knee pushups are completely different and really won't help you do regular pushups at all.

    Rest is you feel you have to, but going at this most days is fine. I've done 100 pushups a day for a month in the past, I know many people who's entire routine is pushups and situps everyday. Most of them are ex military.

    And I don't run. I string 10 bodyweight exercises together as a form of cardio. I do 1 minute each, rest 15 secs, then do the next exercise for a minute, rest 15 secs....till all 10 are done. Rest 2 mins and repeat the whole routine 2 more times. 30 mins of work that's more effective at fat burning than a run.

    Keep doing what you're doing if you like it. People here are going to tell you to this routine or that routine, but the great secret of exercise is that there are infinite ways to accomplish your fitness goal. Choose what you like to do and do it. You're not stupid. You're doing just fine.
  • StevenHaley
    Can I still somehow tie weight training also? Can I avoid using muscles that have already been used doing push ups etc....

    Again, thanks for all suggestions.