Implant Contraceptive effecting weight loss?

I've been here 4 months (I think roughly) And I've lost about 5-6lbs on and off

I am trying so hard, sticking to my calories and having a splurge day every 2 weeks not anything higher than 2000cal
Ever since I started trying to lose weight I have had this implant in.
Before I started taking the pill on top of the implant I was bleeding 24/7 for the past 3 months
So I have the implant in my arm AND i'm taking the full dose of the pill everyday.

I'm thinking the best thing I can do is to take this thing out?! And stick to just the pill.

A few years ago when I wasn't on any contraception pills/implant I lost weight just fine.
Now I'm completely lost and dis heartened.
Anyone else had experience with the implanon and weight loss slowing?
Thank you <3


  • squankmuffin
    squankmuffin Posts: 130 Member
    Hormonal contraception works by convincing your body you are pregnant, so your body doesn't want to lose weight.

    There are lots of alternatives nowadays. Talk to your doctor about what might be best for you. If you need the double dose, then fair enough. But there are lots of things to try.
  • SerahLaffere
    SerahLaffere Posts: 223 Member
    Thank you! This really helps! I appreciate it. I don't need a double dose, NORMALLY. It's just the implant was making me bleed ALL the time so they said the pill would sort that out, which tbh it stopped the bleeding the weight loss is bugging me.
  • kaseysospacey
    kaseysospacey Posts: 499 Member
    I think implanon sucks. I had preg. symptoms all the time.I felt like crap. My OB claimed that women don't gain weight on it but I did and I also had these terrible cravings on it that I didn't have normally that were hell to resist. I hated every second of it, and was sooooooo happy to have it taken out when I did. I mean, if its so bad you have to take the pill anyway, what's the point?
  • SerahLaffere
    SerahLaffere Posts: 223 Member