Burned out?

ladyark Posts: 1,101 Member
I was just wondering if anyone else feels like this sometimes. I have been on my health and fitness path just over 3 months ( 13 wks) I have been eating well and exercising 5-6 days a week. I have lost a total of 37lbs ( as of yesterday) . Ive had maybe 2 cheat meals in that whole time but, i really dont have the desire to cheat or put crap in my body so i dont if i really dont want to.

This past week has been very stressful for me and i see it lasting another week or two maybe I am so used to routine that i normally wont change it up for anything . I need to find out how to make it work still with the upheaval i am going thru at the moment. Ive kept pretty much up with my food as i have been but, i just feel like i am burned out from the exercise ( i have to force myself to go and struggle to get thru my usual routines even). I also feel like the daily logging on MFP and worrying over my daily goals ( carbs , sodium etc) is just burning me out. I know its not a wise choice to stop what i am doing on MFP but its all feeling like just another thing to stress out over.

I am only about 21-23 lbs away from my goal so i dont want to screw it up now. I am one of those people that if i stop what i am doing or miss even a few days i can easily revert back to my old ways. Just wondering if anyone else feels this way too after all you have to do in your busy lives as well as when life throws you a curveball.


  • Shadowsan
    Shadowsan Posts: 365 Member
    Everyone feels like that sometimes. It's human nature to sometimes feel up and down.

    If you're really feeling that drained - change your goals to maintenance for a few weeks, which will re-set your metabolism. Wait for your workouts to pick back up again, and then change your goals to losing again. :)
  • scottbad
    scottbad Posts: 33
    Agree with Shadowsan. GIve yourself enough calories to maintain, but keep up the MFP habit of logging on.
  • mrsmojorisinco
    mrsmojorisinco Posts: 1 Member
    It is challenging to keep motivated while going through stressful times. Remember how far you have come and that you DESERVE this. You and your body both deserve to be healthful and happy. :smile:
  • teresadutton
    teresadutton Posts: 217 Member
    I could have wrote your post myself!! lol I have been doing this for 3 months, I have lost 46 pounds and a ton of inches. The last month my life has been crazy busy and alittle stressful. I havent lost any weight in that time. I have just been maintaining. Not only has life been crazy but I am just burnt out. Hopefully things will calm down in the next week and I hope to get back at it and lose the last 19 pounds. I have not been to worried about it all but I am ready to lose the last 19 and be DONE!!
  • opuntia
    opuntia Posts: 860 Member
    I have felt like this sometimes - I took it to mean I was exercising too hard, so I took a day or two off, until I felt more rested. And when my life is more hectic and active, I find I'm hungrier, so I eat more to maintain energy levels.
    FORIANN Posts: 273 Member
    This is normal, just keep at it. Look at yourself in the mirror and remember that you are way ahead of LOTS of other people already, with the progress you've made. You are worth it and if it was easy everyone would do it. :)
  • Good advice!
  • Lyssa62
    Lyssa62 Posts: 930 Member
    ruts = need a change and I agree with everything that shadow said. You'll get past this..but be sure to stay logged on and connecting with your support group. :)
  • mmoyer1978
    mmoyer1978 Posts: 124 Member
    I've been on my journey for nearly two years and I've been stuck at the same weight for nearly 8 months now. Burned out? Hell yes. Giving up? HELL NO!!! I know that at some point I will break out of this and get to where I want to go. I'm persistent.
  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member
    You need change woman. Change is GOOD. Exercise should be fun, not a struggle. Try something new.
  • MFPBrandy
    MFPBrandy Posts: 564 Member
    Yup--I've been going through a bit of a slump myself the past few weeks. I started exercising & watching my nutrition this Spring, and started MFP in Jun or Jul. Went from 165 to 140-145 fairly quickly. I switched to maintenance, with the goal of building muscle for a while before I try to lose a little more fat (I'm close enough to goal that I'm not really sure what goal is). And then I got sick. Not debilitatingly sick, just no-motivation-to-do-anything-I-don't-absolutely-have-to-do sick. I even stopped logging this week...although I've kept my eating fairly healthy, and my weigh-ins are still good. It's been 3 weeks, so I'll probably go see the doc next week to make sure this hasn't turned into a sinus infection & bronchitis. Anyway...
    All of that is to say, life happens. it's okay to take a break now and then and go to maintenance levels. Heck, a lot of people are convinced "resets" are the key to their weight-loss success. I also agree that changing your exercise might help--if you're just bored, there are so many other fun things you could do to work out. Kickboxing classes, rock-climbing gyms, hiking, swimming...break out of the rut.
  • apriltrainer
    apriltrainer Posts: 732 Member
    A break is needed! I went through the same thing. I even posted a vid about it on my profile page. I got burned out. Stuck. I was working out 5-6 days a week. I got so burned out...I went off my plan entirely though(not the same as having a planned break!), I was your average overexerciser. I got down to a great weight and people even complimented me....but personally it's not a success if one has to kill themselves in the gym to get there. I see it all the time on MFP and in the gym. I used to be one of those people. I'd congratulate myself for working so darn hard and then I didn't just burn out...I exploded. I went from people complimenting me to gaining weight and hiding myself.

    I am now working on exercising less to minimize burnout. I might not get the kudos or pats on the back now for my minimilist routine but I have gotten my body back.

    One of these days I will try to limit my participation on MFP. But one thing at a time.

    Good luck. And remember to TAKE care of yourself first and foremost. Plan your break and plan when to come back. You will probably find out you might hit the ground running and actually miss all of this!
  • LeellenMack
    LeellenMack Posts: 141 Member
    I don't think there is any harm in going to maintenance for a while however, since you stated you slip back to old habits fairly easy (as I do) I would be concerned about it becoming too hard to move back. Maybe break for a couple of days but then get back on the horse. Change the way you see your weight loss experience as something you are doing for you even through the craziness, that even these stressful times won't break you. If you take a break and you use it as one more thing weighing on you, that you have to get back to then taking that break isn't really helping. My advice is to push through especially with the eating and logging you can back off exercise and reintroduce that without too much damage.
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    When I get the crazies from work , family and life, I just tell myself, no one can fault me for exercising and taking care of myself by eating right. It's one thing I can always control
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    Life will always throw you curve balls. It is an important step in this lifestyle change to learn to go with them. There have been a some wonderful suggestions so far but you know yourself best.

    Taking time "off" might not be a good option for you so consider the suggestions of changing your goals for a time and switching up your exercise and considering upping your calories to maintenance so that this time isn't as taxing.

    During times of stress it is important to relieve it through exercise so getting in a 2 or3 days of exercise that raises your heart rate will be good but just simply walking is wonderful as well.

    Incorporate into your day something that you enjoy doing that is just for you. Even if it is only 15 minutes.

    Mentally knowing that you are going to take two weeks to do something different takes the mental guilt away. There is nothing weak or wimpy about recognizing that your circumstances will be different for the next two weeks and adapting as needed to those changes. It is called maturity.

    So look for the positive in your new situation. Agree to a time frame for when you will go back to your "normal" routine and weight loss and enjoy the experience of being alive and human!
