What are your NSV goals?



  • alliwithaneye
    alliwithaneye Posts: 163 Member
    Oh gosh I have a HUGE list but top 5...

    - Fit into my size 12 pre-pregnancy/1st trimester jeans lol
    - Run for 5 minutes without cramping
    - 100 Push-ups, I was up to this before pregnancy.
    - Fit back into my bikinis!
    - Not be out of breathe after walking up my basement steps with laundry!
  • Antlady69
    Antlady69 Posts: 204 Member
    1. To be able to wear some of my skirts and dresses again. Right now, I can hardly get the skirts over my thighs *rolls eyes*

    2. To be able to dance without feeling my whole body wobble from the fat.

    3. To be able to do the splits and be (almost) as flexible as a ballet dancer.

    4. To be able to go into a clothes store and try on "normal" trousers without having to search for the ones with extra-wide thighs.