What size will I be at goal?

I'm 5'9" and I have a pear shape. I want to find an outfit to buy for motivation that I can wear at my goal weight. Only problem is that I was a teenager when I was last at my goal weight of 165 lbs. Just wondering if some others with similar body types that are at that weight could share what size you are wearing.


  • gaia3rd
    gaia3rd Posts: 151
    In my opinion, there is absolutely no way of knowing that. So much would depend on where your body decides to shed the extra weight, what type of exercise you may or may not do during the process. And, even if you were close - if you're off by one size, the outfit still wouldn't fit. My suggestion would be wait until you reach your goal and go shopping for that one perfect outfit as a reward, or go when you're within 7-10 pounds of your goal and pick an outfit you love that is still a tad too tight (I just did this recently, and find it a nice incentive to encourage me to shed those last few pounds.)
  • countrygal2004
    countrygal2004 Posts: 82 Member
    Thanks for your opinion but there must be someone out there that is 5'9" and pear shaped that is at goal and could tell me their size. I will take my chances whether or not it will fit. Different people have different motivations, right? I would like to see that outfit hanging in my closet and try it on periodically so i can see my progress. I am doing that with a pair of jeans I bought online that were too small when I got them. They now fit and it feels awesome! Don't worry, I will certainly be shopping for a new outfit when I get there too.

  • 126siany
    126siany Posts: 1,386 Member
    You're my sister's height, and she is also pear-shaped. I think she's about a 12 pant at 165. She could probably wear an 8 on top though.

    But, as folks have already said, what size you'll be depends on many, many factors that we can't predict, including where you shop!
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    I agree with gaia3rd - that's going to be really hard to tell. Sorry!

    It all depends on your genetics (which are obviously different for everyone) and on your exercise. For example, if you do strength training (lifting heavy weights), you will most likely be smaller than someone who didn't - even if you are the same weight.

    Also, clothing sizes vary from store to store. And with vanity sizing, there is no way of knowing what a true size is supposed to be.

    Too many variables.
  • Wolfe1759
    Wolfe1759 Posts: 81 Member
    I am 5'9" with a relatively large frame, and when I was last at 165 pounds (when I was working out religiously back in 2000), I was a size 12/14, depending on the cut of the clothing.

    It sounds like you are built the same way, since you have the same goal and height, so 12/14 may be a good range to shoot for.

  • RealWomenLovePitbulls
    a suggestion would be to buy another pair of pants a couple of sizes smaller and then when they fit, go another couple of sizes smaller, etc. then u have smaller goals to work towards and will have a pair of jeans to wear through each phase of ur progress as well....