alcohol keeping you up?

HI All,
Been eating healthy now for roughly about a year and decreased my alcohol to 1 or 2 glasses perhaps every two weeks (very infrequent) when I do have a glass it keeps me up throughout the night tossing and turning does anyone now why this happens it never used too!


  • SunnyLynnie
    SunnyLynnie Posts: 87 Member
    Are you tossing and turning because of night sweats? It's well known that alcohol can trigger menopausal symptoms if you're around that magic age, which include sleeplessness and hot flashes.
  • kateguy1981
    kateguy1981 Posts: 68 Member
    lol no I'm only 30 with no family history of early menopause so don't think so and its not so much that I'm sweating its just I'm awake and can't seem to fall asleep and when I do its very light and I wake up easily!
  • alltacht
    alltacht Posts: 139 Member
    Something similar yeah, drinking used to make me sleep very well and now when I drink I tend to wake up and not be able to get comfy etc. Not sure what it is.
  • kateguy1981
    kateguy1981 Posts: 68 Member
    I just googled it apparently you don't enter REM sleep when you first go to sleep so when the alcohol wears off you then enter REM which is a lighter sleep and you are more prone to wake up but it did state that this was if you drink a lot of alchol in the night to close to bed it tends to be if I only drink one or two with me very strange! lol
  • alltacht
    alltacht Posts: 139 Member
    For research purposes youll have to drink more :D
  • kateguy1981
    kateguy1981 Posts: 68 Member
    lol I like that idea ;0) x