I can't believe I'm doing this...



  • Cristy4Hannah
    Cristy4Hannah Posts: 9 Member
    Hi ....How do I put Weight tracker on my profile? I have looked everywhere...Can't figure out where to paste it....Thanks...Cristy
  • Cristy4Hannah
    Cristy4Hannah Posts: 9 Member
    oops..silly me....It's there...lol:tongue:
  • bacibianco
    I think that a lot of overweight people have a "black and white" attitude that gets us into trouble. I was famous for "blowing" the diet somewhere during the day and then writing off the rest of he day. Sometimes that led to writing off the rest of the week....you know how that goes. I agree with all the posters who recommend you get rid of the temptations in the house. You're kids probably won't be too thrilled but is this the first time you've done something for their own good and they didn't get that right away?? You're right - you will have to learn to live with the stuff being around in the long run but give yourself a little break for a while as you're ramping up. Good luck!
  • ScullyKel
    Thanks to all of you... My excuse is I have kids... So what does it mean? Candy and cookies... Plus night visits to "that" cabinet... :'(

    My secret with this cabinet is to keep the child locks on it. That way I have to consciously ask myself every time I open it... Do you REALLY need those chips? Do you REALLY need those cookies? Are you hungry or are you bored?

    Sometimes little tricks like that help a lot.
    You have made an important step just logging on and trying something new. Sent you a friend request :wink:
  • gramacanada
    gramacanada Posts: 557 Member
    When my 2 kids were younger I had no junk food in the house on a regular basis.
    I made Friday night 'treat night'. They got to order take-out and pick two types of junk.
    Bakery, candy, chocolate, ice-cream, chips (whatever) 1 reasonably sized Type for each of them.
    Nothing that would last longer than Saturday. When that was gone. That was it until next Friday.
    It certainly gave them something to look forward to. They spent a lot of time considering what to get.
    It is also much cheaper to keep that stuff out.
  • gramacanada
    gramacanada Posts: 557 Member
    If you were an alcoholic or a heroin addict would you keep it in the house just to test yourself to see if you'll fail? NO!! Of course not!!! So ditch the cookies... Lots of super responses here. This is the best reply I have seen. Agree whole heartedly.

    The problem with the surgery for weight loss is that people never really learn to deal with the root causes of their overeating. It sounds like you are doing your best to fix that now, and that is a huge part of the battle. You'll do great. Just log everything that crosses your lips and you will see your own patterns and what you need to change. You can do it!
  • darias_mommy
    darias_mommy Posts: 127 Member
    Thanks to all of you... My excuse is I have kids... So what does it mean? Candy and cookies... Plus night visits to "that" cabinet... :'(

    My secret with this cabinet is to keep the child locks on it. That way I have to consciously ask myself every time I open it... Do you REALLY need those chips? Do you REALLY need those cookies? Are you hungry or are you bored?

    Sometimes little tricks like that help a lot.
    You have made an important step just logging on and trying something new.

    kids are the biggest excuse. fill the "kids snack area" with healthy snacks so you and they have good stuff. My kids don't get crap because I won't eat it, therefore why should they??? Teach them to eat and they will embody good choices later in like. i hate to say it, but the lady who started this thread reminds me of my 65 year old mom. EXCUSE LADY. Personally, i think you'd be better off learning to love yourself the way you are first and worry about changing your outside later. you have to love yourself before you can commit to anything. I hope you find a deep love for yourself, so you can accept responsibility and reach your goals.
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    Candy and cookies are unhealthy for the kids too.....

    Get the junk food out of the house replace it with healthy snacks. That way you can get your kids on a great start to a healthy lifestyle too!

    This !

    If the problem is sugar/baked goods ..... GET RID OF THEM ..... detox from that stuff, otherwise nothing ever changes ......

    (You can friend me if you'd like :flowerforyou: )

    So much this.

    I'm a SAHM to 5 kids. We have treats in moderation but I've learned that, when it comes to foods that I lose control over, we just don't have them in the house. Some junk food doesn't do that for me and I can have it around but for the most part I get my junk food in single serves.

    Don't make excuses.

    Your kids aren't an excuse. You need to teach them to eat healthy foods. Don't let that surgery be in vain... you have altered your very body to make this work! This is the only body you get... make it work. Treat it well. I needs to sustain you in this lifetime.

    You're worth the effort.

    EDIT: And don't worry about going over... set a lower goal too. Aim for 1/2 lb per week loss. Track everything and just see where you are. Then you can start by adjusting what you're eating in small steps. You don't have to dive in and do twenty things differently from this very moment on or you're a failure. It doesn't work like that. Today, aim to write everything down and drink 8 glasses of water. Tomorrow do it again. The next day, try getting 5 servings of fruits/veggies. The next day, spend time looking at the nutritional info of what you're eating and find high protein foods you like... there are so many steps you can take to learn. Each one takes time.
  • Andreake08
    Andreake08 Posts: 179 Member
    OMG! Thank you all for all the support and responses!!! :D

    It's almost 3AM in Belgium, where I live, and as I was heading to "that cabinet", I thought I had a look at how many calories those stupid cookies have (I have to have them home, as my daughter eats ONE everyday at school... What I need to do is find diet ones FOR MEEEEE!!! But variety here in Belgium (and prices!) suck)... :( Well, I'm proud to say the amount of calories scared me SO MUCH that I stayed away!! Yayyyyy!!!!! :D:D:D

    Instead, I grabbed (yes, I grabbed something... :( ) a diet Pepsi and five bread sticks (104 cal) which I plan to walk off tomorrow (I have to pick up a friend at the train station and maybe well go for a quick walk with my kid) and that equaled in calories to ONE of the stupid cookies... Not bad, but also not great. Anyways, I'm out of bread sticks and I won't be buying more. Promise.

    I need I kick in the butt... :P
  • tenleyzoe
    tenleyzoe Posts: 107
    All y'all can add me (:
  • almcneal
    almcneal Posts: 200 Member
    I agree that it makes a huge difference once you make yourself accountable by logging your food, but also be sure to log your drinks. It's amazing how many calories are hidden in things that we don't think would have them. Milk, juice, vitamins. They all have some, so the more truthful you are to yourself with the logging, the more you will benefit from this site. Also, friends on this site are awesome. A great support system. Feel free to add me. I am on here daily.
  • SyntonicGarden
    SyntonicGarden Posts: 944 Member
    Thanks to all of you... My excuse is I have kids... So what does it mean? Candy and cookies... Plus night visits to "that" cabinet... :'(

    Don't get discouraged. It's going to take you a few days to first become aware of what you're eating and then to adjust your habits and portions. You've had an entire lifetime to create bad habits, so don't be frustrated if they're not easy to change overnight.

    If I can make a few suggestions...

    - Since you have kids, buy stuff they like but that you don't like.

    - Or... Try to get your kids to eat healthier and cut down on the amount of crap in the house. This'll help cut down on your binge eating and will help you to raise kids who have healthier eating habits.

    - Log EVERYTHING. It'll really open your eyes, help you see your trends and cycles, and give you a better idea of how you can help yourself.

    - Add friends on here. Especially supportive and encouraging ones. They'll provide a support system and multiple voices of reason when you're staring down the cupcakes you had to make for a bake sale or the leftover Easter candy.

    - Ease your way into better eating.

    There's a lot of talk on here about eating at 1200 calories. 1200 apparently works for some people, but I think you'd be easily discouraged and hungry as all heck if you started that low right out of the gate.

    If you've been eating a certain way for all of these years, jumping down to 1200 is just a recipe for disaster, especially with where you're currently at. I'm not a dietician, nor do I pretend to be, but I can tell you from personal experience, I was miserable when I went from where I had been eating down to 1200. Instead, consider looking into easing your way into this, maybe by eating at TDEE, then TDEE-15% and then down to 1200 if you feel you need to get down that low.

    For more info on TDEE and how to calculate it, you can either look up TDEE on google, or visit a neat site called fitnessfrog.com

    I wish you the very best on your journey and am glad you're here. :)
  • beekuzz
    beekuzz Posts: 428 Member
    Candy I'm safe from... I have my sugarfree chewing gum... :)

    Cookies? That's another story... I should get rid of them, but I should also learn to live with them and not succumb... No? *is lost*

    I cannot have any doughnuts around me. They are banned from the house. other than that, very lucky to not be a grazer. Keep the sweets out of the house and away from the kids. I was always a skinny kid that could eat anything. But then all of a sudden, I was starting at myself in the mirror and I looked just like my grandmother, who was very heavy. I have a familial double chin even when skinny, so the extra 100 lbs really blew that up on me.

    So happy that you are here for support. You're through the hardest part which is admitting you need to do something about it. Feel free to friend me if you wish. My name is Lisa.
  • Andreake08
    Andreake08 Posts: 179 Member
    I'm logging absolutely EVERYTHING... I've cheated enough in my life with food...

    I'm gonna check that TDEE thing, since I pretty much have no idea of what it is... :P
  • Andreake08
    Andreake08 Posts: 179 Member
    Got it!! 1825 cal... :) So, if I'm understanding this correctly, as long as I'm under that I'll loose weight? Amazing...
  • Menecairiel
    Menecairiel Posts: 164 Member
    Just stay strong and remember: we're all in this together! *starts dancing*

    Seriously, I started a week ago. Got my weigh day tomorrow. And the problem for me is, like with you...sweet things. And chips. And stuff I only get a few times a year but overindulge in. I also work in a place where everyone brings in sweet treats.

    I thought I was a bit naughty, but not too bad...until I started counting up things. Even my favourite take away pizza is now officially off the menu and my mind (it's all my calories. For a whole day. ALL OF THEM!!!!)

    So be strong, remember why you're doing this and remember that there's a lot of people on the forum to support you!!!
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    Got it!! 1825 cal... :) So, if I'm understanding this correctly, as long as I'm under that I'll loose weight? Amazing...

    Every day's deficit adds up towards pounds lost. It takes 3500 calories to lose a pound. If you eat at about 1475 calories/day, you should lose 1 lb every 10 days. That's a safe rate of loss without exercise. If you want to lose a bit faster, burn a bit more... aim to burn 200 calories/day in exercise and then you can lose 1 lb per week.

    I know that seems slow... but if it's manageable, you're WAY more likely to stick to it. In 6 months you'll be thrilled at the results.
  • Andreake08
    Andreake08 Posts: 179 Member
    Thank you!!! :D
  • Menecairiel
    Menecairiel Posts: 164 Member
    Thank you!!! :D

    I take it you managed the night without the cabinet? :)
  • marinebiologist_girl
    I know from experience the first step is realising. I'd be glad to encourage you - we're aiming for roughly the same weight.