General Do's and Dont's?



  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    Appropriate calorie deficit for the amount you have to lose. IE, you can't lose 2 pounds a week when you only have five pounds to lose. When in doubt, choose a lower amount. Better to lose weight slow and steady than try to lose too fast, get burned out and quit.

    Good nutrition and adequate protein. Lots of fruits and vegetables, and treat your protein goal as a minimum to pass, not a maximum to stay under.

    Eat mostly food that's purchased close to it's natural form. IE, chicken breast not chicken nuggets. But your body is resilient enough to handle the occasional pizza. :happy:

    Find a regular exercise you enjoy. And lift some weights even if you don't enjoy them. And rest at least one day a week.

    Track your progress through fitness goals, how clothes fit, measurements and photos, not just the scale.

  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I love this.

    I came in here expecting to see some stupid bull about "don't eat after 8PM" or "don't skip breakfast" or "eat 6 small meals", or " no carbs at bedtime"...I was going to RAGE...

    but somehow all the SMART people gravitated to this one thread all at once.

    Overall, yeah...

    ...and yet there are a few minor "facts" that are a little less than absolute...not that I'm going to pick a fight. =P