Serious Sugar Addiction- headaches and all!

I have been trying to really limit my sugar intake. When I started a couple months ago it wasn't so bad, then suddenly I just couldn't take it anymore (plus I found out I had lyme disease so I decided I would take a break) and I stopped logging for a few weeks. I ate sooo much sugary stuff! I want to have a healthy relationship with it and be able to handle a little cereal in the morning or having just one cookie and not craving something sweet the rest of the day! Has anyone been able to get over there sugar addiction without totally cutting out sugar completely? I can't do that, it just doesn't make sense to me. I don't believe in saying "never" to anything.


  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    Sorry about the Lyme Disease. Had that three times - and it's awful.

    The more sugar I eat, the more sugar I want. But sure, a little bit of sugar every day is great for me. Especially if I have things with sugar, but not too sweet (which doesn't taste good to me anymore anyway.) So a bit of ice cream with Greek yoghurt, my son made me a great peanut butter/nutella milkshake this afternoon, some sugar in my coffee. I had two nice peanut butter cookies last night. Was under by 400 calories last night and I'll net under today too, I expect.

    It's not an addiction, it's a habit and it's something that feeds on itself. Eat what you want, but choose smaller portions. And slowly change your tastes over time. Lots of people have said that things they used to love now taste too sweet, too salty, and too fatty. You can change your tastes too.
  • issyfit
    issyfit Posts: 1,077 Member
    One option is to eat some protein when you do eat something with sugar in order to slow it's digestion which can help prevent a blood sugar spike, insulin response followed by low blood sugar--which is one thing that can cause sweet cravings. I seldom eat food with added sugar any longer but I do enjoy my fruit and I always try to add some protein when I eat fruit. It seems to work for me. Good luck with your efforts.
  • nannabannana
    One option is to eat some protein when you do eat something with sugar in order to slow it's digestion which can help prevent a blood sugar spike, insulin response followed by low blood sugar--which is one thing that can cause sweet cravings. I seldom eat food with added sugar any longer but I do enjoy my fruit and I always try to add some protein when I eat fruit. It seems to work for me. Good luck with your efforts.

    You are always so informative issyfit:)
  • issyfit
    issyfit Posts: 1,077 Member
    One option is to eat some protein when you do eat something with sugar in order to slow it's digestion which can help prevent a blood sugar spike, insulin response followed by low blood sugar--which is one thing that can cause sweet cravings. I seldom eat food with added sugar any longer but I do enjoy my fruit and I always try to add some protein when I eat fruit. It seems to work for me. Good luck with your efforts.

    You are always so informative issyfit:)

    Thanks nanna. That information comes from following South Beach. Same thing goes for eating grains--add some protein. This is why I top my oatmeal with carbmaster yogurt. :) I used to be in the same boat with the OP--couldn't control my sweet cravings.