Any women doing P90X lean....and not losing??

I am just starting week 3 of p90x lean.....i have gained weight using it!!! i realize muscle weighs more than fat...but it is a little discouraging kicking your butt everyday, watching the diet VERY closely and gaining lbs.!!!! arrggg!! Has anyone else used this program...and when did you start seeing real results! thanks!!


  • drewdizzle
    drewdizzle Posts: 5 Member
    My suggestion is to measure your body in order to see progress. At your weight you may not see much weight come off but you may see inches off your waist at first. Even though your doing lean P90x is a strength building program so you will be gaining lean mass as well as burning fat. I have done P90x and insanity since the beginning of the year and have lost 70lbs (have wafered by ~2 lbs back and forth) and went from a size 42 or 40 waist to a 34 waist.

    PS: I know I'm not a woman but I hope this helps!
  • jstork
    I did the original version of P90X with my husband and by the end of the 3 months I ended up gaining 10 pounds. I was very discouraged, but ignored the scale to follow through with the program hoping for results. The odd thing was my clothes really didn't fit differently, but all my measurements were bigger, and by the end of the week off after the full 3 months I just felt horrible. I know most of the gain had to be muscle, but I went on the program to lose fat, tone up and become healthier for a lifetime. After a week or two break I started the insanity program which by the scale, caused me to lose the 10 pounds added by P90X, and I felt much leaner. However, I missed the weight training and am now doing a hybrid version of Insanity and P90X and following my own diet plan and tracking on this site.
    What matters most is how you look and feel compared to when you started, not the number on the scale. Keep up the good work -Beachbody has some great workout programs if you are willing to work hard.
  • licia67
    licia67 Posts: 109
    It is likely that your body is exchanging fat for muscle. I started using p90x almost 2 years ago (I have done it and other beachbody products) and I have lost a total of 8 pounds. P90X is NOT weight loss program.
    Last week I was discourged so I had my body compostition tested and I lost 5% body fat in 6 weeks, gained 11 pounds of lean mass, and the scale said that I gained 3 pounds...I no longer even know where my scale is because all it did was cause me serious frustration.

    I also recommend that you switch to Classic, it is more effective.