Looking for new freinds!

Hi everyone, I'm just looking to get some new pals. :) I'm a 21 year old college student looking to lose the last stubborn 5-10 lbs. I've already lost 20 lbs using this site. I'm religiously on everyday, so I'm very active. Anyone can feel free to add me! I love being able to talk and provide support.

*FRIENDS! lol Damn typo


  • YamadaSan
    YamadaSan Posts: 39 Member
    Add me up! :) Also a college student trying to lose 9 pounds. It's been a bit hard since we're having "hell weeks"--eating too much and no exercise oops. But hoping to get back on track once this is over. :D

    Also on everyday, interested in healthy low-cal recipes.
  • P4Paul
    P4Paul Posts: 7 Member
    Add me if you like.... Finding it hard to loose those last 20lb !