MFP used for life rather than DIET ... just my thoughts

So i have been lurking around a bit reading all the valuable info on here and reading all the amazing stories. A friend of mine told me about MFP around a month ago since then i have been logging in all my food and exercise on a daily basis. I have not weighed myself as then i feel i will become obsessed with the yoyo of numbers on the scales. I have done all diets with varying successes failures and regains.
I am going to start measuring myself soon so keep track of it. But i have noticed in a month my gym pants i have been busting out of or have been a snug snug fit have become loser and my clothes are fitting much much better. Although i am so tempted to jump on scales i wont as i dont want that obsession as i want MFP for life. MFP has taught me where i was going wrong. And although i eat some junk i eat pretty well most of the time. This is life here not just a diet ... so i keep track of my Calories and what goes in my mouth allowing some treats when my mind feels it needs some. Yes i eat chocolate etc. But to me even eating a sandwich is a treat as i have low carbed for years. When i look back and i now track my food on MFP i was probably not eating enough at times and it has forced my body into storage mode. I do work out every day at the gym doing Body Vive, Zumba, RPM and other fitness classes and burn my calories and also keep track of all that (i have a polar watch and love the idea of being rewarded for calories burnt) Now i have only just discovered the NET part of MFP and with daily exercise i get to eat what i feel is quite a large amount of calories and my body is still reducing ... that to me is heaven. After years of doing diets that really had very low calories ... no wonder we crave all the bad stuff because our minds think we are deprived. To me no food is good or bad its all about balance and allowing yourself to live but keeping track of what goes into the body and what we expend.
So here's to MFP giving me my power back and helping me understand how much food my body needs approximately. The way i see it is if it takes me a year or 2 to take my weight off i know that i will for the first time in my life i will keep it off. I must be patient with the process and not sabotage myself with evil thinking like i must weigh myself every minute of the day ;)
