Insanity and vomiting due to workout?



  • Andreake08
    Andreake08 Posts: 179 Member
    Politely butting in... :)

    I'm gonna start Insanity the 24th... Empty stomach or not? And if not, what and when to eat?

    Thank you!
  • SARgirl
    SARgirl Posts: 572 Member
    if you exercise on an empty stomach you will throw up. I have thrown up after doing exercise on an empty stomach, that's how the body reacts when it hasn't got food to burn. I use to exercise in the morning very hard before eating but I would either throw up or feel dizzy, so i don't exercise before eating no more.

    I think that is why I threw up doing Insanity. I did it on an empty stomach because I thought that would make me feel less sick than I did when I tried it after eating. I know I wasn't dehydrated so, the empty stomach is the only possible reason. Now I don't work on on an empty stomach and I haven't had an issue since.

    For me it's the opposite. If I eat before I workout I feel like crap during the workout. I workout three mornings a week (2 of those at 6am) and haven't had anything to eat since the night before and I feel great. I guess it depends on how your body works:)
  • kejurek
    kejurek Posts: 28 Member
    I'm a Beachbody Coach and not only have I completed Insanity several times but I work with a lot of people currently going through the program. Some of them being beginners. I can tell you that several times throughout the workout Shaun T (the trainer) will tell you to go at your own pace. You're allowed to take breaks. The workout isn't meant to kill you, it's meant to make you better. It is definitely the hardest workout you'll ever do. However, it's one of the greatest. I know in the infomercial the woman mentions she threw up during her first workout, maybe she did push herself too hard. That isn't likely to happen to everyone. Just know your own body and know where you can push it. But being someone that works for the company I would say that we definitely don't want everyone throwing up and hurting themselves! It's difficult but so so important to go at your own pace!